About 40,000, social security cannot reimburse.
Laparoscopic gastric band surgery is the latest weight loss surgery, and it is one of the "restricted surgeries" , mainly to achieve the goal of weight loss by reducing the amount of food the patient needs to feel full. The earliest concept of this treatment method was proposed by Dr. Kuzmak in the United States. In 1983, he developed an adjustable gastric band made of silicone and inserted it into the patient through traditional laparotomy. This kind of band can form a small stomach pouch and an adjustable outlet. It is like performing a "slimming" surgery on the stomach, achieving weight loss by restricting the patient's food intake. After surgery, patients undergo gastric band adjustments on an outpatient basis. In recent years, due to the development of laparoscopic surgery, an improved version that can be implanted through laparoscopy was developed in 1993, which we also call "LAGB". At present, it has been used in more than 40 countries and regions around the world, with more than 100,000 cases of use experience. Many randomized clinical studies have shown that laparoscopic bariatric surgery is superior to traditional bariatric surgery. The biggest benefit is that it can reduce abdominal complications of wounds. Up to 30% of patients with traditional bariatric surgery will develop wound complications and hernia. Laparoscopic surgery can completely avoid the occurrence of this situation. Other benefits include reduced pain, faster recovery, fewer days in the hospital, and improved wound appearance.
At present, laparoscopic gastric band surgery can be said to be the simplest and safest bariatric surgery. It has few complications and almost no deaths. It can be said to be the first choice for bariatric surgery. Because the surgical method is simple and adjustable, it can avoid the shortcomings of traditional gastric compartment surgery that easily causes vomiting and weight gain. It has completely replaced gastric compartment surgery and is currently the most weight-loss surgery performed every year in the world.
The weight loss effect of laparoscopic gastric band surgery is quite satisfactory. Patients in Taiwan can lose an average of 33% of their excess body weight after one year of use. This result is lower than the 53% reported by the United Kingdom and the 49% reported by Australia, but similar to the 34.5 to 39.7% reported by the United States and Italy. Although the effect of laparoscopic gastric banding is slower than that of gastric compartment surgery and gastric bypass surgery, the effect of laparoscopic gastric banding is longer-lasting, there is less chance of weight gain, and there is less risk of vomiting and nausea. gastrointestinal symptoms. The United States reported weight loss rates of 46.6% and 53.6% in the second and third years, respectively. The Australian report still saw weight loss at 57% after 6 years. Belgium and Germany also have 7-year and 8-year tracking reports respectively.