In this way, Hu can only obey the arrangement, from the queen's seat down and moved to Chang 'an Palace. Fortunately, Zhu Zhanji's mother, Zhang Taihou, likes her daughter-in-law very much. She thought Hu was a very virtuous woman and arranged for her to live in Qingning Palace. When they attend the dinner together, they will also let Hu sit next to them. Sun Shi, who has just been named Queen Sun, is very dissatisfied with this.
After Zhang Taihou's death, Hu was in great pain and died one after another a few years later. At that time, people knew it was right, but the abolition of the title of queen made people feel very sorry for Hu. It is said that in his later years, Zhu Zhanji once regretted it. So after the death of Queen Sun, Zhu Zhanji resumed the status of Hu Huanghou.
Throughout the history of the Ming Dynasty, Hu Huanghou was the first person to be deposed without any fault. Her life can be said to be mixed with sorrow and joy. Sadly, she met such an emperor. Fortunately, her mother-in-law is very kind to her. It's a pity that she didn't give birth to a son. In fact, from the perspective of governing the country and safeguarding national security, Zhu Zhanji has indeed made some achievements, but it is far from satisfactory in terms of harem.