To write an article about the king of Chu, you need to write about 600 words.
Once upon a time, King Chu Ling liked his courtiers to have slender waists. One day, the king of Chu called his emissary and asked him to bring an order, which read: Let all civil and military officials become thin-waisted, and offenders will be beheaded. When the officials heard the news, they all had their own ideas. Some people think: Is it hard to have a thin waist? Some people think: I am a military commander, how can I fight with a thin waist? Others think: will I be reused by the king if I lose weight? But there is a saying: if you let me die, I have to die. No matter what the officials think, they must obey the orders of the king of Chu. The next day, the civilian military commanders began the waist-thinning plan. They reduced three meals a day to one meal a day. And I have to do "plastic surgery" every morning. They held their breath first, then tightened their belts, supported the wall, staggered to their feet and staggered to the court. In this way, after a year, all the civilian military commanders were all skinny and totally embarassed. The swords of military commanders became "crutches" in their hands. They are restless and lifeless. A minister thought: It can't go on like this, or the State of Chu will perish. Thought of here, regardless of hunger and fatigue, he dragged his heavy body to find the king of Chu. He said to him, "Your Majesty, don't let the ministers gird their loins, or the State of Chu will surely perish." . The king of Chu said angrily, "Little ministers, what are you talking about here? I like a thin waist. Is it that serious? Somebody please. Get out of here. " No sooner had the king of Chu said that than the minister fainted to the ground. The king of Chu was surprised and realized the seriousness of the problem. He immediately saddled his saddle and went to the ministers' home, where he saw his subjects lying in bed. Knowing his mistake, the king of Chu immediately revoked this order. Soon, the civil and military officials all recovered their waists. Chu also immediately became strong. This story tells us that we can't blindly pursue beauty. We should treat fashion and trends correctly, and not blindly follow and follow the trend. Otherwise, it will definitely cause great losses. . . . . .