The sun never sets
[Saw blade] A steel sheet with a cutting edge similar to a hand saw.
Toothless saw blade
Power tools commonly used in wrought iron processing are used to cut iron wires. These pipes are short and small. ★
Diamond saw blade
Diamond saw blade is a cutting tool, which is widely used in the processing of hard and brittle materials such as stone and ceramics. Matrix and cutter head. The matrix is the main supporting part of the bonding tool bit, and the tool bit is the cutting part in the use process. The cutter head will be consumed continuously during use, but the matrix will not. The tool bit can cut because it contains diamond, which is the hardest substance at present, and it cuts the processed object by friction in the tool bit. The diamond particles are wrapped in the cutter head. During use, the metal matrix and diamond are consumed together. Generally, metal matrix consumes faster than diamond, which can ensure the sharpness and longer life of the cutter head. The middle part is manganese steel, and the outer ring part is the cutter head.