1. Cartilage transplantation: make a nasal margin incision in the nostril, or make an endochondral incision to expose alar cartilage and nasal cartilage, and cut off the cartilaginous side of alar or the caudal part of nasal cartilage as appropriate. The cut cartilage, after cutting and shaping, is stitched on the top of the vault to raise the nose, or the external ear cartilage can be cut for transplantation.
2. Approach to the medial foot of bilateral alar cartilage: cut the lateral sides of bilateral nasal columella, expose the medial foot and alar cartilage vault, remove the soft tissue between the two medial feet, and then make mattress suture at the upper and lower ends, that is, close the medial foot. This method can raise the nose by 2-3 mm.
3. Wedge-shaped resection of alar base: If the nose shape is good, but slightly lower, a wedge-shaped full-thickness tissue is removed at the alar base on both sides, so that the nostrils are adducted and the vault is raised, that is, the nose is raised.