Sometimes, array elements can also be used as function arguments
Example: There are two arrays a and b, each with 10 elements. Compare them one by one (i.e. a[0] is compared with b[0], a[1] is compared with b[1]...). If the number of elements in array a is greater than the number of corresponding elements in array b than the number of elements in array b is greater than the number of elements in array a (for example: a[i]>b[i] 6 times, b[i]>a[ i] 3 times, where i is a different value each time), it is considered that array a is greater than array b, and the number of times that the corresponding elements of the two arrays are greater than, equal to, or less than are counted.
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int large(int x,int y);
int a[10],b [10],i,n=0,m=0,k=0;
printf("Input array a:");
for (i=0;i< 10;i++)
printf(" \n");
printf("Input array b:");
{< /p>
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
else if(large(a[i],b[i])==0)
m =m+1;
printf("a[i]>b[i] %d times\na[i]=b[i] %d times\na[i]
if (n>k)
printf("array a Greater than array b\n");
else if (n { printf("array a Less than array b\n"); } else { printf("Array a equals array b"); } getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } p> int large(int x,int y) { int flag; if(x>y)
else if (x { flag=-1; } else { flag=0; }< /p> return flag; }
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