# include & ltreg52.h & gt// contains header files, which generally do not need to be changed. The header file contains definitions of special function registers.
sbit led0=p 1^0; //Define LED to P 1.0 port with sbit keyword. LED is an arbitrarily defined symbol, which is easy to remember.
Invalid delay (unsigned integer t); //Function declaration
/* -
major function
- */
Invalid master (invalid)
Unsigned integer period =600, PWM _ LOW = 0;; //Define the period and assign a value.
While (1) // main loop
led 0 = 1;
Delay (60000); //deliberately delay, you can see the process of extinguishing.
for(PWM _ LOW = 1; PWM _ LOW< cycle; PWM_LOW++){ //PWM_LOW stands for low level.
//level time, in which the duration of low level is accumulated from 1 to the value of CYCLE, that is, 600 times.
LED0 = 0// lights the led.
Delay (PWM _ low); //The delay length is increased from 1 to 599 in 600 cycles.
led 0 = 1; //Turn off the LED
Delay (period -PWM _ low level); //Delay length, 600 cycles reduced from 599 to 1.
LED0 = 0
for(PWM _ LOW = CYCLE- 1; PWM _ LOW & gt0; PWM _ LOW-){// and the process of gradual phase change.
LED0 = 0
Delay (PWM _ low);
led 0 = 1;
Delay (period -PWM _ low level);
//Add other programs that need to work all the time in the main loop.
/* -
Delay function, the input parameter is unsigned integer t, and there is no return value.
Unsigned int is an unsigned integer variable whose value range is
- */
Invalid delay (unsigned integer t)