Correspondence course (plural noun of correspondence course)
Correspondence courses;
Communication course
Bilingual example
1. Is there a correspondence course in plastic surgery?
Are there any courses similar to plastic surgery?
In the movie dialogue
2. Autonomous learning is the basic practice and important form of correspondence courses.
Self-study is the main link of correspondence learning and the most basic form of learning.
From the internet
He sells everything from correspondence courses to lard. This is a hard job.
He has sold everything, from correspondence courses to lard, which is not easy.
From the internet
I have studied office management, typing, report and letter writing.
I have studied office management, typing, making reports and writing letters.
From the internet
5. People study university courses through TV, radio, correspondence, video and the network of learning centers.
University courses are mainly completed through TV, radio, correspondence, video and learning center network.