1. 1 Terminology explanation of metallic materials
1. 1. 1 ferrous metal material
1. 1.2 Nonferrous metal materials
1.2 Terminology of general properties of metallic materials
Mechanical properties 1.2. 1
1.2.2 physical properties
1.2.3 chemical properties
1.3 alloying elements and their role in alloying
1.3. 1 the role of alloying elements in steel
The role of 1.3.2 alloy elements in aluminum alloy
1.4 Terminology of metal heat treatment process
1.5 how to identify and use current standards
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
1.5.2 International Electrotechnical Commission
1.5.3 european committee for standardization (CEN) standard
1.5.4 American standard
1.5.5 German standard (German standard)
1.5.6 BS (British standard)
1.5.7 JIS (Japanese industrial standard)
1.5.8 NF (French standard)
1.6 Selection principle of metal materials
1.7 Selection of tool materials
1.8 Common standard terms for metallic materials
1.9 terminology of steel defects
1. 10 metal material storage
Chapter II Representation Methods of Chinese and Foreign Metal Materials Brands
2. 1 China country, industry, enterprise and factory standard code.
2. 1. 1 China national and industry standard code.
2. 1.2 standard codes of some metallurgical enterprises and factories in China.
2.2 Names and codes of foreign national standards
2.3 foreign and departmental (association) standard codes
2.4 Names and codes of international standards, regional standards and institutions.
2.5 Code and name of foreign enterprise manufacturer
2.6 Representatives of foreign brands in ferrous materials
2.6. 1 Chinese national standard (GB) steel brand representation method
(1) Representation method of steel brand
(2) Name and code representation method of heat treatment of casting materials.
2.6.2 european committee for standardization (CEN) steel product brand representation method.
(1) Brand expression method of steel products
(2) the country code representation method of steel products
2.6.3 American (SAE) steel product brand representation method
2.6.4 British National Standard (BS) representation method for steel product brands.
2.6.5 French National Standard (NF) method to express steel brand.
2.6.6 The German Industrial Standard (DIN) indicates the grade of steel products.
2.6.7 Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) steel brand representation method.
2.6.8 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) steel brand representation method
2.7 Representation of foreign brands in non-ferrous materials
2.7. 1 Chinese national standard (GB) representation of brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
(1) The original standard stipulates that
(2) The new standard stipulates that
2.7.2 european committee for standardization (CEN) non-ferrous metal and its alloy brand representation.
(1) non-ferrous metal brand representative
(2) Representation method of nonferrous metal status codes
2.7.3 Representatives of American brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
2.7.4 British National Standard (BS) indicates the brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
2.7.5 The French National Standard (NF) indicates the brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
(1) Status codes of copper, nickel and their alloys
(2) State code of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy
(3) Status codes of magnesium and magnesium alloys
(4) Delivery status code of cast nonferrous metals and alloys
2.7.6 The German Industrial Standard (DIN) indicates the brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
2.7.7 Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) Representation method of brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
2.7.8 Representation of ISO product brands of nonferrous metals and their alloys.
(1) Numeric code representation of aluminum and aluminum alloys for processing.
(2) Representation of status codes of copper and copper alloys
(3) Status codes of aluminum, magnesium and their alloys (status codes are specified in ISO2 107)
(4) Another status code of aluminum and aluminum alloy products (American status code)
Chapter 3 Comparison of Material Brands in Different Countries
Chapter 4 Cast Iron
Chapter V Cast Steel
Chapter VI Structural Steel
Chapter VII Tool Steel
Chapter VIII Stainless Steel and Heat Resistant Steel
Chapter 9 Superalloys
10 chapter aluminum and aluminum alloy
Chapter 1 1 copper and copper alloys
Chapter 12 magnesium and magnesium alloys
Chapter 13 titanium and titanium alloys
Chapter 14 zinc and zinc alloys
Chapter 15 lead and lead alloy
Appendix legal unit of measurement