Pei Xuetao
Pei Xuetao, male, born on May 20, 1962, is the leader and chief scientist of the overall expert group of the national "863 Plan" major tissue and organ engineering project; blood transfusion at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences; Director of the Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research Center of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences; Director of the Blood Supervision and Identification Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Executive director of the Chinese Society of Cell Biology and deputy director of the Chinese Society of Experimental Hematology.
Chinese name: Pei Xuetao
Nationality: Chinese
Ethnicity: Han
Date of birth: May 20, 1962
Occupation: Doctor of Medicine
Graduation School: Academy of Military Medical Sciences
Main Achievements: "Best Scientific Contribution Award" at the Regenerative Medicine Conference
Representative Works: Pei Xuetao "Stem Cell Technology" Pei Xuetao "Stem Cell Biology"
Personal Achievements
Published in domestic and foreign academic magazines such as ExpHematol, LeukRes, CancerJ, StemCells, Chinese Journal of Hematology, Acta Physiologica Sinica, etc. Published more than 100 articles; edited, sub-edited and participated in the preparation of 5 monographs. In 2005, he won the only highest honor award - the Paul H Fraisse "Best Scientific Contribution Award" at the 2nd World Congress of Regenerative Medicine. This honor is the highest award received by Chinese scientists in this field - marking the my country has occupied an important place in the international field of regenerative medicine.
Representative papers
Pei Xuetao, et al. (1988) Kinetic observations of CFU-S in unstable and relatively stable culture systems. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 40(6):569-576.
PeiXT,etal.(1990)Preferentialsuppressionoflowmolecularweightnaturaltumorsuppressorofhumanfetalliveroriginonthegrowthofleukemiccellsinvitor. (1992)Preliminaryapplicationofalowmolecularweighttumorsuppressprinpurgedautologousbonemarrowtransplantation.CancerJ,5(3):142-145.
Pei Xuetao, et al. (1995) GM-CSF and IL-3 promote the engraftment of cord blood CD34+ cells into adult bone marrow stroma. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 47(5): 485-490
Pei Xuetao, et al. (1996) Sorting and performance study of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells and their subpopulations (CD34+CD38+ and CD34+CD38-). High Technology Communications, 6(1): 42-46
Pei Xuetao, et al. (1997) Experimental study on the expansion of cord blood CD34+ cells and improving their transplantation efficiency. Chinese Journal of Hematology, 18(3): 133-136
Pei Xuetao, et al. (1999) Experimental study on in vitro expansion of hematopoietic cells to reconstruct hematopoietic function in SCID mice. Chinese Medical Journal, 79(7): 497-501
Pei Xuetao. (1999) Whoishematopoieticstemcell: CD34+orCD34_? International Journal of Hematology, 70(4): 213-215
Pei Xuetao. (2001) Progress in stem cell research. Chinese Academy of Sciences 2001 Scientific Development Report, pp70-74, Science Press.
Pei Xuetao. (2002) Stem cells, human cloning and their ethical issues. Chinese Academy of Sciences 2002 Scientific Development Report, pp111-116, Science Press.