Hyaluronic acid injection chin is suitable for chin foundation, such as its own length warping is ok, just want to do a little fine-tuning warping. If your chin itself is short, filling it with hyaluronic acid will not improve the effect. If the injection dose is small, you will not see the effect. If you inject too much, your chin will feel like falling. You can't see the effect after hitting the hyaluronic acid chin, which may be because: First, your chin itself is not suitable for filling with hyaluronic acid. If it is shortened, the effect will be better with prosthesis; Second, the injection dose of hyaluronic acid is less; Third, the body absorbs faster.
In your case, it is not recommended that you take hyaluronic acid again, because the improvement effect is not good, and too much injection will also lead to poor chin shape. If you want to pursue the improvement of chin, it is recommended to use prosthesis for filling.