English words with very high occurrence rate but low popularity.
beat generation
Tea ceremony tea ceremony
use a seductive women to corrupt sb
The photographer's photographer.
Hooligan punk, football hooligan
double agent
Mr. underworld boss
illegitimate child
close fighting
Box news lace news
Children who watch TV and play computer all day.
The age gap of June-December wedding marriage.
King? English standard English
Leap Day/Year Leap Day 2.29/ Year 366
Joan of Arc in Orleans
narrow escape from death
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Poet Laureate
a rat race
red-light district
Russian roulette
Impatient temper
stoop to flattery
Anonymous donation
Money of unknown origin
Screen screen, film industry
Complaints about summer diseases and diarrhea in summer
The lowest, inferior
Vertical/lateral thinking vertical and lateral thinking
Wide body engineering
Wheel of Life (Buddhism)
Flattery heteromaniac
Yearbook yearbook
Zen Zen
A person who entertains others.
Exotic dance striptease
Bearish, the market is falling.
Bullish sentiment is on the rise.
political prisoner
Stowaway passenger
plain-clothes man
Police dog
Police station
ICJ international court of justice
spy operation
Lifelong professional soldier
My mine
Armored vehicle tank
military restricted zones
Q-boat is an armed vessel disguised as a merchant ship or a fishing boat.
a regular army
Sniper sniper
Bermuda Triangle
the brain drain
Labor outflow
break dance
French window
Funeral home funeral home
Taillight taillight
Visiting team visiting team
Runner-up runner-up
Black referee black whistle
Foul action
standing long jump
Underachievers are poor students.
Greenhouse provides preschool education for children.
A gifted child prodigy
Important news
Needle trade garment industry
Massage parlors and brothels with massage signs.
Moonlight as a verb, part-time job.
transracial marriage
The top window of the moon roof car
A disparaging term for an intellectual.
Dog days in July and August, dog days.
Connoisseur, connoisseur, connoisseur
Box office box office
Bees (America) hold parties for mutual help and friendship.
"Big Times" is a sensational film, famous.
bank of issue
big stick policy
Oxford and Cambridge universities
comprehensive university
CDV laser video disc
BP machine
Exclusive exclusive news
Divorced person
Temporary workers
Eden Eden Eden Eden Eden
Go with the flow have it both ways.
Abandoned newspaper
Supplementary notice of obituary
full scholarship
Cold fox iceberg beauty
Think tank * * think tank.
First-line celebrities and elites
Self-funded travel
A bard on the Avon River, another name for Shakespeare.
high/polite society
A beautiful person, a fashionable class in high society
Bagstuffer street advertising flyer
Dead water
Closed-circuit communication equipment
external fertilization
Cotton-billed snake
Laser surgery
Intercept interception
Unscrupulous bombing
Tommy gun submachine gun
Strafe's strafe and heavy shelling.
Super bomb hydrogen bomb
Unconditional surrender, unconditional surrender.
Defeat is defeat.
guided missile destroyer
Jun Jun canteen
Seed capital
Principal, interest bearing
Securities securities
Depression, recession
The lowest preferential interest rate for bank loans
Deficit deficit
Juli bee 50 th anniversary
Jim Crow's disparaging term for black people.
The iron lady refers to Mrs. Thatcher, the iron lady
Intellectuals are the general names of intellectuals, intellectuals and intellectuals.
Jack. Jack.
Blue moon, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
Charity sale, performance, match.
Have a brainwave
Honorary person (USA) top student
full professor
doctor's degree
Alma mater alma mater
Pony report daily news report
A fake bidder who pretends to be a seller in an auction to raise the price.
Pre-game mobilization meeting
pay-as-you-see television
Plastic operation
Successful person
Manicure manicure
Crazy money (America) private money
Xiaoyao Town, Lianhua Island
pirate flag
Invalid patient
well-informed person
Empty talk, empty talk
Foolish TV
Twists and turns, details
Flight meal; flight meal;