Carrots and radishes treated with 5 ~ 10 mg/L 6-BA can be kept fresh for 6 days at 2 1℃. The fresh leaves of carrots and radishes were soaked in 5 ~ 10 mg/L 6-BA, which prolonged the fresh-keeping period of leaves and had good storage effect.
Spraying 100 ~ 1000 mg/L plastic on radish and carrot 20 days before harvesting can improve the quality and reduce the hollowness of radish.
Spraying radish and carrot with100 mg/l 2,4,5-t three weeks before harvesting can prevent germination during storage and prolong the supply period.
After harvesting radish and carrot, evenly spray 2% methyl naphthylacetate oil (that is, spray 20-30g methyl naphthylacetate per 1000kg radish), or evenly spray 2% methyl naphthylacetate on dry soil or paper scraps, then mix radish with dry soil or paper scraps, and cover with grass for storage. After treatment, the germination of radish can be inhibited and the storage time can be prolonged.