2) Lip shape: The lips will shrink with age, wrinkles will appear, and the corners of the mouth will droop with age.
3) Face shape: Aging will change the distribution of subcutaneous tissue, with sunken temples, cheeks, eyes and lips, and redundant sagging on both sides of chin and nasolabial groove.
4) Notch of muscle movement: One third of wrinkles on the face often come from muscle movement, but after a long time, it will cause deep static dents.
5) Modification of volume: height of nose, shape of nostril, size of earlobe, shape of lips, etc. It can be adjusted according to different people, and the congenital face contour can also be easily changed by filling.
6) Filling of defects: Pockets, scars caused by trauma and surgery, and asymmetry of congenital defects can all be reconstructed by filling.