Create a new variable, select IO integer type, and then select the device you need to connect to, such as S7200. For the register, we can choose V I Q M. V represents the V variable of the PLC, M is the intermediate variable, and I and Q are the input and output respectively. The following data classes must be selected correctly and set according to the actual situation. The main reason is that the types of V and M areas are more complicated. Generally speaking, we set I and Q to BYTE. For the V and M areas, this is generally the case: If your variable needs to be used one by one in Kingview, then set it to the BYTE type. For example, set the variable V100 as a device fault alarm, maybe V100. 1 represents motor 1, V100.2 represents motor 2, then we need to access the variable of V100 one by one, so it is set to BYTE type. If KingView needs to set a data to the PLC, and the data is an integer, it is usually set to Ushort or short. Other data types are almost similar, just read the KingView manual.