1. Professional Introduction
The Master of Medicine (MSM) degree program of Stanford University aims to provide doctoral students with rigorous clinical medical knowledge and train students to engage in transformational research. The field of basic science has achieved results at an incredible speed, which is in sharp contrast with the slow pace of medical application development. There is an urgent need for more effective mechanisms to train more scientists who are proficient in human biology and diseases.
The goal of Stanford University's Master of Medicine program is to train a new generation of doctoral students in the fields of human biology and diseases, so as to better transform new scientific discoveries into practical medical progress.
Stanford University School of Medicine has always been at the forefront of the world in clinical training and research, so it is also an ideal place for medical masters to study. Under the leadership of former President Philippe Pizzo, the Medical College established five medical research institutions. The main objectives of these institutions are to promote translational research in the fields of cancer, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, cardiovascular diseases, nerve innovation and translational neurology, immunity, transplantation and infection.
Since both the Medical College and the Master of Medicine program are located in the center of Stanford University campus, students registered in the medical college for doctoral programs in chemistry, physics, bioengineering, biology and biological sciences can participate.
2. Registration information
The master of medicine program takes the form of competition. Doctoral students registered in various colleges of Stanford University have the opportunity to apply. Applicable institutions include engineering college, humanities college and medical college. School of Engineering includes Chemical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department and department of mechanical engineering. The College of Humanities has departments of biology, chemistry, physics and applied physics.
The doctoral program in medical college covers biochemistry, biomedical informatics, bioengineering, biophysics, tumor biology, chemistry and systems biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology and immunology, molecular and cell physiology, neuroscience, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, and structural biology.
All students studying in any of the above doctoral programs can apply for the master of medicine program in the first year. Physics students and most engineering students can start studying for a master's degree in medicine as doctoral students in the second year of study with the consent of doctoral consultants. Students majoring in electrical engineering can study the Master of Medicine course from junior year.
After these students are officially admitted (after April 15), the medical master professionals will contact them and inform them of the qualification requirements and application process.
3. Curriculum system
During the five-year professional study period, Master of Medicine students and Medical Doctor (MD) of Medical College study basic biomedical courses together, including anatomy, physiology, genetics, immunology and pathology. Biomedical basic science courses last four days a week, so students have the opportunity to study some doctoral courses and conduct experiments in the laboratory. If necessary, the experiment can be carried out in the summer before the start of school and/or in the summer between the first year and the second year.
Starting from the second year, each student needs to choose a laboratory and a clinical tutor for thesis research. Clinical tutors will consult with students on translational research and help prepare suitable short-term clinical trials.
Generally speaking, the laboratory chosen for doctoral thesis research is mainly transformation research, but not necessarily transformation research. After completing the doctor's degree, every student who participates in the experimental research will get a master's degree in medicine.