var re = /^[0-9]+.? [0-9]*$/; //Judge whether the string is a number//Judge a positive integer /[ 1-9]+[0-9] *] * $/
If (! Retest (Input. Rate. Value))
Alert ("Please enter a number (such as 0.02)");
input . rate . focus();
Returns false
} The following is a common function writing function BASEisNotNum(theNum)
//Judge whether it is a number.
if (BASEtrim(theNum)= " ")
Return true
for(var I = 0; I < length; i++){
oneNum=theNum.substring(i,I+ 1);
if(oneNum & lt; " 0 " | | oneNum & gt"9")
Return true
Returns false
} function basis notint(theInt)
//Determine whether it is an integer.
theInt = base trim(theInt);
if((theint . length & gt; 1。 & amptheInt.substring(0, 1)= = " 0 ")| | BASEisNotNum(theInt)){
Return true
Returns false
} function BASEisNotFloat(theFloat)
//Determine whether it is a floating-point number.
len = theFloat.length
dot num = 0;
if (len==0)
Return true
for(var I = 0; I & ltleni++){
oneNum=theFloat.substring(i,I+ 1);
if (oneNum== "。" )
dot num++;
If ((one num < "0" || one num > "9")&; & amponeNum! =".")| | dotNum & gt 1)
Return true
if(len & gt; 1。 & amptheFloat.substring(0, 1)=="0"){
if (theFloat.substring( 1,2)! =".")
Return true
Returns false