Dim is a statement in VB that declares variables and allocates storage space. Format: Dim variable name as data type.
Data types include:
1, integer: variables are stored in the form of 16 bits (2 bytes);
2. String: variable-length and fixed-length strings;
3.Boolean: a numerical value stored as 16 bits (2 bytes), but it can only be true or false; ;
4.Double: (double precision floating-point type) variables are stored as IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) floating-point values;
5. The 5.Long: (long integer) variable is stored as a 32-bit (4-byte) signed value.
Rules for VB to define variables
The variable 1 must be a string that starts with letters and Chinese characters, and consists of letters, Chinese characters, numbers and underscores. The last character can be a type descriptor, and there can be no spaces in the variable name;
2 Variable names cannot contain+-*/! @ # ¥ ? Decimal point and other characters, and the length can not exceed 255;
3 Reserved words (such as End, Len, Sub, etc.) cannot be used in Visual Basic. ) as a variable name, but a reserved word can be embedded in the variable name, and the variable name cannot be a reserved word with a descriptor at the end;
4 Visual Basic does not distinguish the case of letters in variable names and other names, but traditionally, symbolic constants are generally defined by capital letters.
Baidu Encyclopedia: VB Variable