After returning home, that friend fell ill. Yue Guang sent someone to meet him, only to know that the reason was that he suspected there was a small snake in the cup. Therefore, Le Guang carefully observed his home and investigated the cause of the incident. Later, he found a bow hanging on the wall, and its shadow reflected on the glass looked like a small snake.
Later, he invited his friend to his home, let him see the bow on the wall clearly, and then let him see what was in the cup. Finally, when his friend finally realized that there was no small snake in the cup, he immediately recovered.
Explanation: mistake the bow shadow reflected in the glass for a snake. Metaphor is the fear caused by paranoia.
Words from: Han Yingshao's "Common Customs and Common Meanings: How Strange the World Is": "There is a red crossbow hanging on the north wall, which looks like a snake. I am afraid of evil spirits, but I dare not give up drinking. "