Zhu Dong, the 24th son of Zhu Yuanzhang, is the son of Liu Huifei. He is very clever and is liked by Zhu Yuanzhang. At the age of three, he was named King Yingjing. In the 13th year of Yongle, Zhu Dong died of illness at the age of 27. After Zhu Dong's death, her mother was heartbroken, committed suicide and was buried with him.
The place where Zhu Dong was buried is his fief, which is Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province. This tomb of King Yingjing is very large in size. To what extent? There are five kitchens, three houses for slaughtering animals, seven halls, ten east and west wings and a 270-foot red wall. There are halls, drum towers, pavilions and ticket gates, and there are bound to be many precious funerary objects.
For 300 years, the tomb of King Ying Jing has been coveted by grave robbers. Since 1999, the tomb of King Li Jing has been bombed seven times, which shows that the precious cultural relics can make grave robbers so crazy. After Zhu Yuanzhang's death, he was also very good. He was a smart and kind person and had a good relationship with him. He likes to write poems at ordinary times and is a "king of elegance". After his death, Judy was also very sad. Perhaps it was the court's "thick T-shirt" that made Zhu Dong's cemetery have many funerary objects.
Later, many people cared about Wang Ying's tomb. Grave robbers arrived there in batches, but failed. This is not the strangest thing. Strangely, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese also came to rob the tomb. Japan destroyed all the buildings on the ground, but Wang Ying's tomb is still intact, which means that the Japanese grave robbers failed. Japan almost accidentally injured its own people in order to blow up the cemetery, but it still returned empty-handed.
The bookshelves of youth are full of comic novels, and youth is as colorful as novels and comics. Youth is accompanied by laughter and tears, and we are no longer immature, and our wings are gradually growing. We hope to be the protagonist in the novel, draw well and describe our life with colored pens. We hope that we can, like the protagonist in the comic book, have infinite power and break out of our own sky. When we were young, we were not afraid of teachers' warnings. We will secretly read comics under the table. We won't worry about parents' criticism. We will hide under the covers and read novels at midnight. Youth writing is full of ideals and rhetoric, and we hope that life can be as happy as novels.