First of all, the pronunciation of consonants is generally fixed, letters are written in the same way as phonetic symbols, or the names of letters contain the phonemes of letters.
B bed book book bench box box banana body boy boy
D desk desk doctor deer duck female duck doll watchdog male dog dancer dancer dancer.
Food family food family four feet five fence fork father
H hat hat hen hen head home hammer hammer house horse
J jewel Jewel Jewel jam Jam Jam Jam Jacket Jacket Juice pop rocks Jewel Jewel Jewel Jeep Jars
K kite kite kiss key, kangaroo king kangaroo kitchen kettle kick.
L-legged lake leaf leaves lion lion lemon live lips gently
Monkey Monkey Moon Moon Milk Map Mask Mom Mask Mom Mouth Mouth Man
N net nose nest bird's nest number nail nail neck napkin napkin
P pants pants park pig pencil pencil pink path pear flower pen pear flower pen
Song question question quarrel quarrel quilt quiet after a quarter of an hour.
Rope rope stone rainbow rose rose, rising ring ring, ringing carpet cock rabbit rabbit
S sun sofa sofa silver sink, sink logo marked soap soap 67.
Tower towel teacher tie table table toe toe tea tea two twenty-one
V Vase Veil Veil Veil Violin Fan Fan Vomiting Vest Village
W wall window Windows operating system Walkman Listen to the wind and read the words and wash the women.
X ax ax X ray X-ray box (X is at the beginning of the word, sometimes pronounced as /z/, such as Xerox xerography, xylophone xylophone, sometimes pronounced as /gz/ in the word, such as Examexam, accurate).
Y as consonant: yard yacht yacht year yam yam yellow yo-yo.
Z Lingling Zoo Zebra Zipper Zipper
First of all, short vowel rules.
When a vowel letter A, E, I, O and U is followed by one or several consonants, the vowel letter is pronounced as a short vowel in a stressed closed syllable.
Mat map map bag cat hat hat fan bat racket Apple
Rinrin, a red pen net bed in Egg Well
I licked the six-necked pig and sold it to kiss Moshan Moshan
Oh, Bull Bull ... Octopus socks deal in octopus box socks, and ostriches deal in ostriches.
U Sun umbrella cup bus cup bus nut walnut gun uncle ...
Second, the long vowel rule.
In the stressed opening syllable (vowel is the last letter of this syllable), this vowel will emit a long vowel, which is often expressed in the form of vowel combination:
Ai Wei, the rain, the rain, the paint, the pain, the iron maid.
Ay bay Bay ray Ray road said hay Hay Hay pay paid May lay placed.
E be is he she she me we ye this and that (old English definite article)
Ee reed reed eel bee peeling jeep jeep feel feel see teeth.
Ea sea meat peanut walnut peach eagle leaf pea pea
Ey bond
Me, me, my tie, tie, pie, die and lie down.
No, I didn't.
Oa Road Toast Toast Toad Toad Coal Goat Boat Coat Soap Soap
Ow Rainbow Pillow Yellow Window Pillow Window Hollow Bowl Row Low
U mu Greek letter μ nu Greek letter nu Sue Glue Blue
Ui suit is suitable for fruit juice.
When you stress relatively open syllables (vowels followed by a consonant letter and a silent vowel letter e), vowels make a long sound.
A-e cape cloak, cape name tape tape
I am a kite that bites five kites.
O-e rose, rising (past tense of rise) nasal rope note note note note note note note.
U-e tube cube cube June
Third, the weak vowel rule.
In unstressed syllables, vowels are pronounced as weak vowels/? /,when pronounced, the middle part of the tongue is raised, the tongue position is low, and the gums are half open.
Get it again, and then in the circus, circus pajamas, hippo, hippo.
Fourth, the law of rolling tongue sounds-long vowels and weak vowels.
In stressed R syllables (vowels plus R syllables), vowels are long vowels.
Or porch porch pork pork Mabao flood control wall horn corner morning morning corn fork
Ar armrest armchair armchair car kart two-wheeled carriage farm park garden garden
Ur Turtle Surfing Turkey Fur Injury Pain Wallet Nurse
Mermaid mermaid
Birthday birthday dirty circus circus bird circle girl dirt dust
In unstressed R syllables, vowels are weak vowels.
Dollar Dollar Sister Tailor Tailor Saturday
Pronunciation of vowel combination of verb (abbreviation of verb):
Au August August Sausage Sausage Sausage Naughty Naughty Naughty Clap
Aw paw paw draws saws and saws on straw straw strawberry lawns.
Oo moon moon zoo roof rooster rooster boots boots food spoon medicine spoon roof
Oobook: Books Cookies Cookies Woods Forest Wool Hook Look See Foot Cook Chef
Ea Pullover Sweater Pullover Sweater Yali Sweater Lead Bear Leather
Al huhu high autumn ball wall wall.
There is hardly any scenery. He cut the newspaper of his new nephew.
Six, diphthongs's pronunciation:
Ou Zhai Zhai's mouth is counted. Fountain Mountain cries mouse.
Ao Niu towel towel clown owl crown brown flower pagoda
Oi coins, coins, little oil, little noise, soil poison coil
Oy oyster boy cowboy cowboy soybean toy
Seven. Pronunciation of the semivowel letter y:
Y is pronounced with long vowels in stressed open syllables and short vowels in closed syllables and unstressed syllables. Similarly, y also has a long vowel and a weak vowel, pronounced/? /and/? /。
Y hair long vowel: sky, sky, flying dry typing spy, shy and crying my mine.
Y short vowels: rainy days and sunny days, the puppy is dizzy and dirty, the pony is happy and happy, the baby gym is happy.
Yr curled long vowel: myrtle Myrtle
Yr has a weak vowel: martyr.
Eight, c and g soft tone rules:
When c and g are in front of e, I and y, read softly, that is, fricative /s/ and fricative /d? /,in French and Portuguese etymological loanwords, /s/ is also read when soft notes are added under C. Otherwise, read /k/ and /g/
C circle is divided into one-minute cycle period fa? frontage
Gentle giant gymnasium
Nine, consonant letter combination pronunciation:
Ch Beach Lunch Lunch Cheese Bench Bench Church Cock Chair Cherry Cherry
Sh sheep shirt boat boat fish dish shoe spatula
Wh Whale Whale White Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheat Wheat Whip Whistle Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper.
Th brothers, brothers, feathers, feather leather, father, mother
Th Thumb Thumb Three Bathroom Non-slip Cushions Bathroom Bath Thirst Thief Thirst Thief Bathtub Mouth Teeth
Ph photo photo phone phone trophy pharmacy alphabet
X. pronunciation of consonant conjunctions:
Pronunciation of fricative sounds:
Tr train pallet tree triangle, triangle trunk, trunk trolley.
Dream doctor dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods dry goods.
Ts blanket blanket boat hat hat pot deep pot its gift.
Ds AIDS AIDS hand station forest needs goods.
Pronunciation of p, t, c and k without breathing.
Sp spoon spider spider spaceship spaceship spinach spell
St silk stockings shop silk stockings shop stars stamps stickers student station stop sign
Sc Scarf Scarf Scooter Scanner Scarrow Scarecrow Scarecrow Scales Scorpion Scorpion Scoop Scoop Scoop
Sk skunk snowboard skirt skirt skates
Eleven, silent letter:
B Thumb Bread Mutton Comb Comb Bomb Number Number
Scene after scene prosecution
Gnashing logo design
Gh buy buy grasps the right pair tightly, sighs at night and sighs at war.
H rhyme khaki khaki Oh, long live the shepherd's hour of honor.
Psychological pneumonia receipt
Island aisle aisle Arkansas debris, Arkansas
Don't tie the castle, the castle station, the bus station, the railway station ballet.
W wrap the wrinkling circle and write the sword in pairs.
Twelve, other pronunciation rules:
The t in the middle of two vowels sounds like a flash, and the tip of the tongue rolls up and touches the gum or palate directly. When the air rushes out, the tip of the tongue vibrates slightly, touches the gums or the upper jaw, leaves instantly, and the vocal cords vibrate.
330 butter butter 443334444444440
Besides native words, American English has absorbed many foreign words, such as Spanish, German, French, Italian and so on. And the pronunciation of these words does not conform to the rules of pronunciation. For example, Lewinsky reads "Lewinsky" instead of "Lewinsky". Let's explain the pronunciation of these foreign words in alphabetical order.
B Abwehr anti-espionage agency (b=p) sabe knows (third person singular present tense of Spanish verb, b=v)
Cello concerto appendicitis tobacco football
Ch intrigue yacht chef cabin farmhouse (Switzerland France)
Deistedfod Welsh Music Festival Corrida Fighter
Feistedfod Welsh Music Festival
G garage school, type bourgeois carmine (French adjective) sitzkrieg confrontation (German)
Edinburgh Bay Edinburgh
J bijou's small and beautiful jardiniere vase (the above words are from French) San Jose San Jose
Ju marijuana (Spanish, ju equals wh)
K knish fried cake, filled with meat, cheese and fruit (the pronunciation of K here, according to Phonics pronunciation rules, K is not pronounced before N because the word comes from Yiddish)
Colonel l (olo curled his tongue, er)
P. fanny fanny coup group
The opaque mosquito wharf is in the opaque mosquito wharf.
R pis aller's last hand (er sent it /e/)
S grosz Grosh (sz equals sh) Viscount (S is silent) sgraffito multicolored painting seil climbing rope (S in these two words is Z.
Th Thomas Thyme thyme (th is pronounced as t in both words) asthma asthma (th is silent)
Tsch riot (Swiss German, tsch equals ch)
V von cong, zi (German preposition, often used before the name, V pronounced f)Leitsmotif theme.
W Abwehr anti-espionage agency Rwanda Rwanda schwarmerei's unhealthy preference.
Wh whistled.
Memorandum writing desk in oi reservoir
Onouakchott Nouakchott's divining board
X cossa cossa bordeaux bordeaux su plateau wardrobe, wardrobe
Zecezema Eczema grams Salgues Charles Shi Ying timely pizza sky blue manzoni manzoni.
For these loanwords, words that can't be pronounced according to Phonics' natural pronunciation rules, you need to consult the dictionary frequently, remember one when you see one, and have the pronunciation foundation of other small languages, so that pronunciation will not be difficult. I hope it can help you solve the problem.