It is really possible. When buying goods on Taobao, some sellers may use counterfeit products for fraud. These counterfeit products are usually of poor quality and low price, so it is difficult to distinguish them from genuine products. Therefore, if you can't get effective results by scanning the QR code on the product, then the product is likely to be a fake.
If the product you buy is a well-known brand, you can try to contact the customer service department of the brand. They usually provide corresponding help and answers.
Pay attention to observe whether the product packaging and logo are consistent with the genuine product. Counterfeit goods usually leave defects or mistakes on packaging, signs or trademarks. If obvious differences are found, then this commodity is likely to be a fake.
We can further confirm the authenticity of the goods through other channels. For example, check the seller's reputation evaluation and user evaluation information on Taobao. High credibility and favorable rate are usually one of the important indicators for a seller to sell genuine products.
If you buy certain types of goods, such as electronic products or luxury goods, you can try to use some professional certification services. These service agencies can judge the authenticity of goods through professional means, thus helping you identify fakes.
When buying goods in Taobao, we should be vigilant, try to choose sellers with high credibility and good comments, and pay attention to observe whether the packaging and logo of the goods are consistent with the genuine ones. If you find that the product QR code can't be scanned, it may be counterfeit. In order to avoid buying fake goods, we can further confirm the authenticity of the goods by contacting the brand customer service, observing the packaging and logo, checking the seller's reputation evaluation, and using professional authenticity identification services. Taobao shopping experience is happy!