In the third year of Dade, the Lord of Siam said that when his father was in power, the court gave him saddles, white horses and robes to beg for the old rules. The emperor replied to the prime minister that "he gave the horse to a small country for fear that neighboring countries would sneer at the court", but he still gave him a golden robe instead of a horse. Siam, in the southwest of Zhancheng, can be reached with the wind for ten days and nights, that is, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Country of Sui and Tang Dynasties. Then it was divided into Luohu and Siam. Siam's barren land is not suitable for growing crops. Luo Hu's land is flat and flat, and there are many harvests, which Siam gives back. During the Yuan Dynasty, Siam often paid tribute. Later, Luo Hu became strong and there was Siam, so it was called Siam Hu State.
In the third year of Hongwu, the envoy Lu Zongjun was ordered to write a letter to his country. In four years, its king Shen Lie and Zhao Biya sent envoys to serve the table, and Zong Jun and others came to train elephants, six-legged turtles and square objects, and gave a letter to Wang Jinqi and the messenger money and silks. He Hongwu was sent back to China for four years and was given a calendar and lottery coins. Five years of paying tribute to black bears, white apes and square objects. Ming Hongwu returned to tribute in five years. The king's sister, Shen Liesining, did not send envoys to Jinyetai, but paid tribute to the palace. His sister sent envoys to pay tribute again, but the emperor still gave it and gave him the banquet. When his king was timid and not militaristic, China people pushed his uncle to crack down on evil & in "Kou > Tudor", Luo Lu was in charge of state affairs, sent envoys to court, paid tribute and held banquets. The new king has sent envoys to pay tribute to thank him, and his envoys have also offered them, but the emperor refused. He Hongwu has been sent to pay tribute to things and presented with a map of the country for six years. In seven years, the envoy Shariba paid tribute. It is said that Hongwu took a boat in the sixth year, which was damaged by the wind and drifted to Hainan. It was rescued by the lawsuit, and some floating things, such as cotton, rosewood and sappan, were presented to the ministers of Guangdong Province. The emperor blamed it for not having a table, saying that the boat was covered, but the square things were kept. He suspected that it was doing business, but his life was ruined. An official in the Ministry of Imperial Decree and Rites said: "The ancient princes were hired by the Emperor of Heaven, one year later, one year later. Outside Kyushu, once every world, paying tribute is just a gesture of sincere respect. However, Korea knows a lot about rites and music, so it made a tribute for three years. He is far away from other countries, such as Zhancheng, Annan, Zori, Java, Tanni, Sanyuan, Siam and Zhenla, where he pays frequent tribute and the labor cost is too high. There is no need to reply today, but it will be transferred to other countries to let them know. " However, more people came. Wang, the prince of Sumenbang, also sent a special envoy to write a letter to the Crown Prince and pay tribute to the goods. Life led him to the East Palace and gave him a banquet to send him away. Pay tribute after eight years. Wang Shizi and Zhao Boluo Bureau, the old lady of the Ming Dynasty, also sent envoys to the table to pay tribute, and the banquet was like the king's envoy.
In ten years, Zhao came down to North Korea at his father's order. Emperor Xi ordered Wang Heng, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Rites, to sign and seal a letter, saying "Siam Wang Yin", and to give the Prince clothing coins and road fees. Naturally, its country is called Siam at the request of North Korea; Tribute once a year, or twice a year. After orthodoxy, it is still a few years. 16 years, I gave you a file of books and articles, porcelain, real wax, etc. Ten thousand catties of pepper and ten thousand catties of sappan in twenty years. The emperor sent officials to report the matter. At that time, Wenzhou citizens had their own agarwood in the city, so they sat down and abandoned the city. The emperor said: "Wenzhou is the only place that Siam must pass through, because it is not a common place." This is a victory. Twenty-one years, thirty years of tribute, sixty years of slavery. In 22 years of the Republic of China, Prince Zhao Lu Group sent envoys to pay tribute. Twenty-three, hematoxylin, pepper, Dalbergia odorifera pay 170 thousand Jin a year.
In twenty-eight years, Zhao sent envoys to pay tribute and told his father about the funeral. Zhao Da, an official, went to sacrifice and gave the throne to the children of the world. The Oracle said, "Since I acceded to the throne, I have been ordered to go abroad and surround myself four times. 36 people can live in the territory, and 3 1 people have heard of it. The style is different. Ten big countries and eight, 149 small countries. Compared with today, Siam is the closest. You did it. You know your late king is dead. Wang's three emotions are well-known states and worries of his subjects. I hereby assign the task to Tin, and Wang Qi lost his statutes, indulged in pleasure and stood firm before the light. Qinzi. " Cheng Zu wrote a letter to his country after he acceded to the throne. In the first year of Yongle, Wang Zhaolu got the gold-plated silver seal of Dorothy Latour, and the king sent envoys to thank him. In June, the above emperor Gao Rong sent an official to send a letter and give it. In August, I gave orders to Wang Zhe and Wang Jinqi. In September, he attacked other officials in Li Xinghe and made him king, but his civil and military officials didn't.
In two years, a boat floated to the coast of Fujian, which is a good friend of Siam and Ryukyu. When the secretary heard about the goods, the emperor said, "It is a beautiful thing for the two countries to mend fences. Unfortunately, they have been hit, so they deserve sympathy, but they should not think it is profit. As soon as the wind blows, send him to Ryukyu. " In the same month, its king wrote a thank-you letter to the emperor and sent a special envoy to thank him and pay tribute to him. I gave more and more, and I gave 100 copies of Biography of Women. The messenger asks you to set the weights and measures as the eternal style of the country and follow it. First, the tribute envoy came back from the city, and the wind blew his boat to Pahang. Siam asked for his envoy and detained him. Su Men replied, and Jia also sued Siam for sending troops to seize China's seal. The emperor said, "When you occupy the city, Su Men will take the stab. Jia and you are both ordered by the imperial court. You still have to show off your arrogance and seize his tribute and seal." Heaven is doomed, and the thief of Annapolis can play a warning role. He immediately returned to the occupied city and returned to the Soviet man to answer the thorn, fully thorn and seal the patent. From now on, obey the law, protect the neighborhood and enjoy the blessing of peace forever. "When Siam sent tribute envoys, the wind drifted to Annan, all of them were killed by Li thief, and only one person was killed. After the loyalists recruited Annan, they took it back. In August of six years, Zhi Min beat Bird, an official, sent him back to China and gave him money and silks to show his kindness to the families of the victims. In September, Zheng He, a middle official, founded the country, and the King of Qi sent people to pay tribute to atone.
In seven years, he came to offer sacrifices to Empress Renxiao, and accused him of several seats. When the traitor He Baguan and others fled to Siam, the emperor ordered an envoy to tell his master that he refused to escape. His king was ordered to send tribute horses and square objects and send them back to Bajing, and ordered Bird to reward them with coins. Ten years of bumping into an official, Hongbao and others give money.
In fourteen years, Prince Sanlai, the envoy of Boromoraza, told his father about his death. Guo Wen, an official, sacrificed his life, made his son king without sending an official letter, gave him Su Jin and Russell, and sent him a thank-you gift. In seventeen years, he cracked down on officials such as Min Yang. Siam invaded Raman, the envoys ordered reconciliation, and the Wangfu sent envoys to apologize. In the eighth year of Xuande, Sirimaha came to the king to send envoys to pay tribute.
At the beginning, the tributary ships of Sanduo, the accompanying minister of other countries, occupied the port of Xinzhou in the city and were looted by fellow villagers. In the first year of orthodoxy, Xi Sanduo sneaked into Beijing by boat and sued for looting. The emperor ordered messengers to occupy the city and the relative quality. There is nothing wrong with the messenger, but he caught the king of the city and ordered him to return the plundered characters. The counselor's office, which has occupied the city, said, "The year before last, our country sent an envoy to Svendana, which was also plundered by Siamese thieves. Siam must be returned first, and China does not dare to return. " Three years later, the envoy of Siam came again and gave him this intention, so that he could still occupy the city. Eleven years, Wang Sili Polomara sent envoys to pay tribute. In the fourth year of Jingtai, Liu Tai and his party were ordered to offer sacrifices to the late king Boromora and make his adopted son Luo Lanmi Sun king. In the first year of Tianshun, a gold ribbon was given as a tribute. In six years, Wang Bo stabbed Roland to death and paid tribute to Zhi Bo.
In the ninth year of Chenghua, Gong Shi said that in the first year of Tianshun, it was judged by insects and begged for change. In seventeen years, the tribute was returned, the son was stolen halfway, and the smuggling salt was carried, so that the official made a letter. First of all, Xie, a native of Tingzhou, went to the sea to sell salt, crossed the ocean, entered the country, became an official, and became a bachelor of China. After serving as the ambassador to the DPRK, trade was banned, which was felt as a servant.
In eighteen years, he sent envoys to pay tribute and told his father that he had lost his life, and ordered Lin Xiao and his party to make his son Lombok king. Hongzhi paid tribute for ten years. At that time, there was no Siamese character translator in Siyige, and invited courtiers Xu Pu and others to move to Guangdong to visit those who could communicate in other languages, and went to Beijing for backup. In Zheng De's fourth year, some Siamese ships drifted to Guangdong, and Xiong Xuan, the city ship officer, negotiated with the garrison minister to levy taxes on their goods as military supplies. When I heard about it, I wrote a letter denouncing the announcement and was responsible for it. I withdrew to Nanjing. Ten years into the gold leaf table tribute, the museum does not know what it says. Minister Liang Chu and others. Please choose to leave one or two people to report in the library. In the first year of Jiajing, Siam and Zhancheng cargo ships went to Guangdong. Niu Rong, a city official, had a private market at home and died like a law. In thirty-two years, he sent envoys to pay tribute to white elephants and square objects. The elephant died on the road, and the messenger decorated its teeth with jewels, filled them with gold plates, and finally presented them. The emperor appreciated his intention and sent it generously.
In Qin Long, its neighbor Dongman Niu couldn't propose, so he felt ashamed and angry and sent his troops to attack his country. Wang Zijing captured his prince, and China gave him a seal to return home. Second heir, please print out the form for me. Nature is what Dong Niu did, and the heir king inspired revenge. Wanli, the enemy soldiers returned, Wang Quanjun stormed, broke it, killed his son, others fled at night, and Siam was at sea. The squad broke the real wax and surrendered its king. Since then, he has been fighting for years and dominating countries.
Send envoys to pay tribute in six years. In 20 years, Japan broke Korea, and Siam invited submarine divisions to go straight to Japan, followed closely. The Central Stone Star agreed to follow, and Xiao Yan, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, insisted. Since then, tribute has not been replaced. Chongzhen has been paying tribute for sixteen years. His motherland week, with strong customs, is used to water wars. The general is wrapped in sacred iron, and the sword and arrow can't enter. The holy iron man has bones in his brain. Wang, Zuo Li. Officials are divided into ten grades. Everything from the king to the common people depends on his wife. A woman's ambition is actually a man's. It is not surprising that the husband bought wine and drank with China people, saying, "My wife is beautiful, but she is also liked by China people". Buddhist men and women are mostly monks and nuns, and they also live in temples to fast. The clothes are quite like China's. Rich people, especially those who respect Buddha, share half of their property. The climate is wrong, either cold or hot, the land is low and wet, and everyone lives in buildings. The vertebral knots of men and women are wrapped in white cloth. When the rich man died, he poured silver into his mouth and buried it. When the poor moved to the seaside, a flock of crows flew around pecking and died in a short time. The family picked up the bones and threw them into the sea crying, which was called bird burial. Yan Yan also set up a ritual Buddha. The sea of transactions. Without this year, this country will become a major epidemic. Its tributes include elephant, ivory, rhinoceros horn, peacock tail, jade feather, tortoise tube, hexapod turtle, precious stones, coral, sliced brain, rice brain, bran brain, brain oil, brain wood, rose water, bowl stone, piding, Ferula, purple stem, dried vine, gamboge, sulfur, myrrh, Udine mud and azone. Its state-owned Sanbao Temple is dedicated to China official Zheng He. Siam, southern Yunnan, eastern Myanmar, western Vietnam, and the south is near the bay. In December of the ninth year of Shunzhi, Siam sent an envoy to pay tribute, seal and merge. Naturally, I never stopped paying tribute.
In the second year of Kangxi, the tribute ship of Siam sailed for Zhou Qihai, but lost its first escort ship in the gale and sailed back to Humen. In July of three years, Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan, played a gift from Siam, which was not received. In that year, it was allowed to pay tribute to Siam, including 2 tribute ships, 20 crew members, 1 supplementary tribute ship and 6 crew members, and allowed to trade once. In November of the third year of Kangxi, the king sent his entourage and other officials to write a gold leaf, saying, "The Siamese king Chen Senlie took a photo of La Zhaogulong and Mara? Lu Hengkun's secretary, Tiapu Ai, bowed his head in awe and wanted to play His Majesty the Qing Emperor. Fu Yixin ruled the world, shining in the sky, all over the world, educated. My humble country has been grateful for a long time, and I have also devoted myself to paying tribute to Quidditch. Today, I paid tribute to the official envoy who held the Kunsi humble ceremony, the deputy envoy who held the Kunsi humble ceremony, the three envoys who held the Kunsi humble ceremony, the Bowa memorial ceremony and the Datong affairs, and other officials, and crossed the sea by ladder to offer gold leaves and objects. Fu Ji bent down to listen to heaven, generous and disrespectful. I am humble enough to look up at the sky and look at the camp with trepidation. I really want to see it. Frontier objects: Long Xianxiang, western glitter satin, ivory, pepper,? Yellow, cardamom, agarwood, ebony, maple, gold and silver incense, sappan, peacock, hexapod turtle, etc. The first half of the queen. "Emperor Sikkim Satin, Yarn and Rogge VI; Gold satin, yarn and Rogge are four pieces, and the princess is reduced by two pieces each. There is a difference between deputy and deputy. The tribute period in Siam is once every three years. The tribute road starts from Guangdong, and there is no regular tribute plus tribute quota. Tribute ships are limited to three, each ship is not allowed to exceed 100, and 20 people are allowed to enter Beijing. This is a common practice.
In the twelfth year, the tribute ambassador held the courtesy of Kunsi, and so on, in order to express his gratitude. In April, the King of Siam conferred an imperial decree, and the camel buckle was gilded with silver seal, which made the envoys return. Chen said, "Come and enjoy it, showing the sincerity of great things; Knowing the Lord and the minister, the country is soft and far away. I promise that moral education will be rewarded in the distance, so that the screen can be connected with health. Zhang Yi got it, and Huan Hao should be rewarded. Siam Sen Liepai La Zhao Gu Long Pai Ma La? Lu Hengkun's company is loyal to Tia Aipu and obeys ceremony and justice. He devoted himself to the direction, but he was sailing and asked for a seal. Lishan takes the river and Kehe sends it; Be cautious in making festivals, and don't forget to hold the heart of jade. I am very grateful to you. Today, I was made king of Siam and ordered by tin. I am loyal to you, and I am proud of you. The series is sealed. Yu! Baominshe is king, coding the rest of the sound in old clothes; Hold the post of * * * and make great achievements after the wind. Qin Zi, there is no life for me! "
Twenty-three years, the king sent Wang Datong and his deputy Bao Kun to mention Reva and Jinye as a tribute. The emperor ordered Siam to pay tribute to those who could not ride horses. Officials gave their husbands a sedan chair and slaves gave them to their husbands. First, the tribute boat arrived at the tiger and jumped at the door. After being checked by the guards, it entered the river and sealed the goods. As soon as does not arrive, the transaction is allowed. So I want you to send a tribute boat to Guangzhou in the future, so that you can trade with the newspaper office. I will also ask you to buy equipment in your country and ask local officials to take care of it and allow it. Enjoy the Siamese shovel breaking silk. When the tribute envoy returned to China, the Ministry of Ritual sent a secretary and a pen to accompany him. In twenty-four years, it was agreed that the king of Siam would reward thirty-four satin horses, sixteen today and fifty outside. In forty-seven, Gong tamed elephants and golden monkeys. At that time, the officials of the Ministry of Rites agreed that Siam Gong ships would trade ballast goods in Guangdong, exempt from taxation.
In 1961, the Ministry proposed to pay tribute to Siam, following Guo's example, and gave the king two satin, four yarn, eight Luo and two gold-woven yarn. Princess satin, woven gold satin, yarn, woven gold yarn, Luo, woven gold Luo each two. That year, the king claimed that his country had a red kayak No.2, which was previously forbidden. Please ask the governor of Guangdong to pay tribute to bring it back. The emperor can ask and tell does: "Siam is rich in rice. If rice is shipped to Fujian, Guangdong and Ningbo for trade, it can be duty-free. The minister and the Siamese envoy agreed to transport 300,000 stones every year, and the extra rice and goods were taxed as usual.
In October of the second year of Yongzheng, Xirao Nian, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, transported rice to Siam, saying, "Siam is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, and it is admirable to offer food seeds, fruit trees, deer, hounds and other things. The goods are tax-free, and the heart is lost with the prize. " In six years, the emperor issued a decree that rice grains shipped by Siam merchant ships would be duty-free forever. In seven years, there were instant incense, benzoin, cassock, cloth and so on. In the regular tribute, the emperor took unnecessary things as an example. Minister Shi said, "The capital is admired by all countries, and Wang wants to visit places of interest in China, so that he can go back to the country and talk about it in order to broaden his knowledge." The emperor ordered a virtuous official to lead the tour and rewarded him 1200 yuan to buy anything he liked. The messenger claimed that the domestic horses were very small, so the king ordered to buy some horses and bring them back, and the price of the horses was handed over to the state treasury. Give back to the king's imperial book Tiannan Guo Le the same amount, including satin 25, jade 8, enamel 1, turquoise inkstone 2, glassware 2 and porcelain 14. Tribute envoys went to Guangzhou to buy Beijing bows, copper wires and other things, and gave a letter.
In June of the first year of Qianlong, the king sent a minister, Lang Sanliwati, to pay tribute to tables and square objects, adding a tame elephant, two gold satin horses and a flower curtain, and said that the python dragon robe had been hidden in the Yu Chengen Pavilion for a long time, which was difficult to protect. He seriously gave it another attack. Tite rewarded pythons and silks and satins four times. The Ministry of Rites played Siam. According to Piadaku, the country needs copper to be sent to the temple for the benefit of Iraq, and it is forbidden to discuss it. The emperor will reward 800 Jin. In eight years, Siamese businessmen were ordered to transport rice to Fujian and Guangdong provinces for trade, and silver over 10,000 stones was exempted from goods tax by five tenths, and silver over 5,000 stones was exempted from goods tax by three tenths. Its rice is fair in the market price. If there is a large amount of rice among the people, officials will buy it to supplement the Changping social warehouse or distribute it to the coastal standard camp for consumption. Thirteen years, in addition to tributes, there was a black bear, a cockfighting, a Taihe chicken and a white-bellied ape in Phnom Penh. In the fourteenth year, the king sent his minister Langha Paiti to pay tribute, and the word "Yan Fu Ping Pa" was written on the tin imperial book. In the sixteenth year, the emperor ordered Fujian Governor Calchi Mountain and others to organize the Siamese judge to transport him. It's inconvenient to spare Chen, so it's better to reward businessmen for transporting rice to Siam for more than 2,000 stones to discuss with Dai Li. In the eighteenth year, the king sent envoys to pay tribute to people earnestly, including a tassel cow, a good horse, ivory and a thorough investigation instrument. I can't be a courtier. The emperor gave a man four catties, and when the envoy returned to China, he told the king that "observing the rules benefits from respect." In twenty-two years, he paid tribute to his king and gave him two pythons, two brocade, one satin, one gold satin, four silk satin, one jade agate, two turquoise inkstones, three enamels and four porcelain. In thirty-one years, Siam paid tribute to the former.
In a short time, Li Shiyao, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, reported that Siam was broken by Du Huafan, and handed over the restoration gift. Flower belly is also Myanmar. At that time, Myanmar attacked Siam, surrounded the capital Ayutthaya, fell into it in March, killed the king, and Siam died.
Myanmar Tusi Meng refuted Siam and invaded Yunnan by force. Emperor sent Ming Rui, Fu Heng, Pell, Ali Zhou and other generals to collect them, and Myanmar recruited Siamese troops to save themselves. When Ashoka fell, Zheng, commander-in-chief of Siam, led an army to Cambodia. When he heard that the capital fell, he went to aid and fought with Myanmar for several years. Myanmar fell into China, and Zheng Zhao took advantage of its fatigue, broke it and recovered the country. Zhao is from Guangdong, China. Father Jia was born in Siam. Brilliant and resourceful, he was an official in Siam. Since the defeat of the Burmese army, the Chinese people pushed Zhao mainly, moved the capital to Pangu, and made the town rich and strong. In forty-six years, Zheng Zhao sent envoys to pay tribute to Lang Pi, Cai Xi Ni and Xia He Futu, claiming that Siam suffered from the Burmese rebellion and surrendered in revenge. The people of China, led by the Zhao family, paid their dues according to regulations. Emperor Jia, the banquet made the envoy taller than the landscape. The donated goods are collected from rhinoceros horn, and the rest must be sold in Guangdong, which is tax-free like other goods. The long python satin specially presented to the country is as precious as ever.
In forty-seven years, Zhao died and his son Zheng Huasi was established. China is also a martial arts, and has repeatedly broken Myanmar. Myanmar's sheikh and Meng Ke can't be enemies, and moving eastward is quite successful. In May1year, China sent envoys to pay tribute to the following precursors: Long Xianxiang, Jin Gangzuan, Aquilaria Resinatum, Borneolum Syntheticum, Rhinoceros Horn, Peacock Tail, Cuipi, Western Felt, Western Red Cloth, Ivory, Camphor, Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae, Mume Fructus, Cardamom, Tangganmi Peel, Cinnamon, Zizania latifolia, and the second tame elephant. There is no image in front of the palace. Please seal it up. In the afternoon of December, Zheng Huawei was the king of Siam, who was the twelfth year of Kangxi. The system says, "Our country is born with a destiny, and we should unite the whole party, teach it by voice and induce it to surrender. The land of Siam faces each other across the ocean, paying tribute to Xiuzhi. Since the Burmese rebellion, the people's land has been devastated. What a pity! Zheng Zhao, the former head of state, collected the embers after the national defeat, leaving one side behind and not abolishing the tribute. His successor, Hua Zheng, inherited his father's ambition and sent a special envoy to far away places, so he was very grateful. I caressed Sui Fangxia without any internal or external reasons. I learned that the Lord knows the minister, and there are descendants of the old king of Siam, so I want to choose my clique to keep the world seal. It's said that the old man was abandoned randomly, and Zheng was in charge of state affairs. He not only read near-re-embodiment, but also used it to protect his land, people and country. It is a special decree to seal the Siamese king Zheng Huawei and Xi Feng. It is still important for him to perform his duties, take care of the seal and care for the people. Don't take the position of the former industry, but let me soften the sea and promote waste. " At that time, the Governor of Guangdong, Muteng, decided that the chief and deputy tribute ships of Siam should be exempted from tax, and the rest of the ships should be levied according to the goods to benefit the profiteers.
First, Myanmar was afraid of national power, and then it repeatedly defeated Siam. In fifty-three years, he came to pay tribute and asked Siam for a truce. In the first month of fifty-four years, the emperor gave Hua Zheng a compliment, saying, "Since ancient times, emperors have made great contributions and the code is moderate. Everyone who has been retranslated by sailing stairs and mountains knows that they were nurtured and salted. Zheng Hua, king of Siam, is in the far corner of the sea. Because of his official position, he sent Palisade to pay tribute to the red hills in Asia, which was a token of gratitude. I think my country borders on Myanmar. My country was violently refuted before, and my horns and teeth were redundant. I invaded my country, for which I was accused. Today, Meng Yun of Myanmar is in charge of state affairs. He repented of his distorted heart and sought attachment. When his envoy returned to China, he had ordered Meng Yun to rebuild and reconcile with his country without seeking war. I will try my best to bury the hatchet, and I will always make trouble with you. I will thank you as soon as possible. I have specially given the king silk, coins and other things, but he only received good orders, has been loyal and grateful, and is cherished by God. Qinzi! "
In the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong, Hua Zheng said, "In the thirty-first year of Qianlong, the country was defeated and the monarch was destroyed. His father Zheng Dangshi is only five or six years old. The old capital, Madao and Tuhuai are still occupied, so please let Wu's abdomen return to restore the old land. " Guo Shixun, the governor of Guangdong, listened. The emperor read the so-called "Wu Dufan" in Siam, which is Myanmar. The armies of former Burma and Siam Zhao were refuted by the late Burmese chief, not today. Danwei and other three cities were also occupied by Myanmar when Zhao was in China, not Zheng's territory. When you live in peace for a long time, you should keep your boundaries. Now Siam has changed the world. Siam is a different surname and has succeeded as a king, not to mention arguing over Zhao's old lost territory. The military affairs minister was ordered to write letters on behalf of Shixun. In that year, nine kinds of longevity candles, agarwood, lac incense, borneol, bird's nest, rhinoceros horn, ivory, Tonghai and Doroni were added to celebrate longevity, and the emperor also gave the king the word "Fu". In sixty years, Siam broke Cambodia, took Ake and broke Ding Peng.
In the first year of Jiaqing, Siam sent envoys to Tai Shang Huang, Han Xian Di, Fan Zi, Jin Ye and Biao Wen. In the first month, the envoys were ordered to give a big banquet with Ningshou Palace, making the sacred feast a chapter. Within two years, he sent envoys to the government and Deng Ji, and paid tribute to Long Xianxiang and Borneolum. At the behest of the Emperor, the emperor sent a message to Hua Zheng, saying, "Nine clothes bear the burden of the wind, and building is of great significance. Adding three tin lives will make Lotte bold. The old code is bright, and the new code is universal. King Hua Zheng of Siam has provided services to the King's Committee many times, and the King's Committee has been sealed up for a long time. In the second year of Jiaqing, I sent envoys to pay tribute to him to show my gratitude and praise. Celebrating with China is a matter of one side, sincere, helpful and sincere. The country is thick and thin, the words are small and soft, and it has its own customization. In the distant land of overlapping years, the country is far away from the ocean, and the sea has changed. If the prepared materials are rejected, the labor cost will be increased, and the materials will be specially accepted and given to Wen Qi and other items. Later, I should put forward a point of view as usual to express my sympathy. Wang Qi only cares about and benefits from loyalty and purity, and is always grateful to ordinary people. Qinzi! " In three years, he invited Siamese envoys to have a banquet in China Palace. In the past five years, the king sent envoys to sacrifice supplies and asked Emperor Gao Zongchun to burn incense. The governor of Guangdong ordered the envoys not to come to Beijing, knowing that they would bring back supplies. In six years, the agreement was afraid that Sun Mangduo would fall ill in Guangdong. Local officials took good care of them, rewarded them with 320 taels of silver and returned to China first.
In ten years, Siam Gong Biao said that victory in the Burma War was reconciled by imperial edict. In September of 12th year, the emperor told Hua Zheng: "It is forbidden to illegally use China people to ship goods on behalf of others, lest profiteers hide and cause lawsuits. If there is a violation, the profiteer will be punished, and the king is also to blame. Special application for ban, in order to strictly guard against. King Er, do whatever you want! "
In 14, he sent envoys to wish him luck, and also gave ambassadors and deputy ambassadors a banquet in China Palace. In autumn, Hua Zheng died, and Prince Zheng Buddha succeeded him. Please seal it when sending envoys to pay tribute. There are nine kinds of tribute lost by the wind, and the emperor decreed not to add them. In fifteen years, Zheng Foli became the king of Siam, and the imperial edict and camel buckle were gilded with silver seals and handed over to envoys. In the winter of the eighteenth year, Governor Jiang Youyou said that the Siam tribute boat was burned in the ocean, but only the deputy tribute boat arrived in Guangdong, and the deputy envoy Ji Hacha found out that Wen was suddenly ill. He was terrified when he heard that the tribute boat was burned, and benefited from the drama, so he couldn't go to Beijing at once. The emperor ordered the deputy envoy to stay in Guangdong to adjust, and ten kinds of tributes were put in storage and sent to Beijing. There is no need to make up for what is lost. He also said, "The King of Siam expressed sincere gratitude and piety to the coast, which is no different from going to Beijing. If the gifts and letters are handed over to the Ministry of War, they will be presented to the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. " In the 19th year of Jiaqing, King Wen of Siam was burned and made a tribute. In case of a hurricane, the ship will drift away. In the autumn of 20 years, the official and deputy tribute ships arrived in Guangdong successively, and Jiangyou heard that. Renzong Qijia obeyed, saying, "Siam pays tribute once every three years and will pay tribute again next year. This thing can be used as a tribute for twenty-one years. " Please allow mainland sailors to drive the Siamese king's watch, and this department will discuss and refute it.
In the first year of Daoguang, Siam expedition to the Malay Peninsula to open Taizhou, suspended its troops, defeated other troops in Charouk, and went south to serve Pailak to fight Selangor. The Israeli army was exhausted and returned from New Guerra. In three years, he sent envoys to pay tribute to He Wanshou. In four years, Zheng Buddha reigned for fifteen years, and his stepson Fu Zheng. After five years of Daoguang, he sent envoys to pay tribute, and the ship was destroyed and the tribute sank. The emperor was exempted from makeup, and Fu Zheng was still named King of Siam. Tribute and courtesy of blessing. In March of 19th year, Xuanzong took Siam as his servant and said, "Siam paid tribute for three years, but changed it to four years."
In the first year of Xianfeng, Fu Zheng died of illness, and his younger brother Monkto succeeded to the throne. China called Zheng Mingzhe also. Empress Ming and Rui and Xuanzong became emperors' testaments, leaving them with incense and handing over tables and articles to celebrate their ascent to the pole. Because of the official tribute, please contribute together. Wenzong ordered the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi to tell me that I didn't have to come to Beijing, and informed the things in the instrument and the party to return. It's time for a formal tribute. Now it's a national system. If you don't celebrate within 27 months, stop the banquet and present it when the heir king asks for an additional seal. The following year, Xu Zou said, "The King of Siam sent an envoy to pay tribute and ask for a seal. Now he has arrived in eastern Guangdong. " The emperor ordered him to accompany him to Beijing Qianfeng; When the tribute envoy arrives, the heir king should be ordered to send it back. Guangdong bandits are on the rampage, and the tribute envoys can't come, so the tribute to China will stop here. Since then, Siam has become an independent country.
Zheng believed in Buddhism and was good at English. He used Europeans to reform the system, carried out the New Deal and ruled the country for a long time, and was called the emperor. After signing a contract with Britain and France, he sent envoys to various countries. In the seventh year of Tongzhi, Zheng Ming died, and his son Lalanggong succeeded to the throne, abolishing slaves and establishing constitutionalism. Thieves and soldiers in the north have mushroomed, making peace in succession. France annexed Vietnam and forced Siam to cut the east bank of Meijiang River. In the 19th year of Guangxu, the king sent troops to defend. France used Siam as an excuse to invade Vietnam, sent troops to occupy Kongshadanga and Tolenge, and then re-entered Mongolia and Palapeng, which was added to Laos. The Siamese army retreated to the west bank of the Mekong River, and France attacked Pangu Harbor with the navy. Siamese people are afraid and beg for peace. On the other hand, the British people made a covenant with France to ensure that Mae Nam belonged to Siam, which was less dependent on security, committed to internal affairs and increasingly prosperous. In the second year of Xuantong, he died and his son Ma Huoti Luti.
Siam territory, 6-20 degrees north latitude and 97- 170 degrees east longitude. The official system consists of nine departments: foreign affairs, internal affairs, finance, army, navy, justice, education, agriculture and transportation, and assists the king in managing state affairs. There is also a Privy Council, which the king chooses his relatives and ministers to fill, and all major affairs of the country are consulted. The central government is called Gideon Province. The country is divided into seventeen states, each with a governor. There are counties, counties and villages under the state. China has a population of eight million, accounting for one third. The armament imitates the German conscription system, with a standing army of 30,000, which can be increased by 10 times in wartime. The navy has several gunboats and mine boats. There are gun factories and shipyards. Siam, with its British monarch and political civilization, is located in British and French territory, which can protect its independence.