Carmen is a girl's name. Carmen is Carmen. I think Carmen sounds good.
Reference: I
Carmen is a lady's name. There are too many, you won't be interested. Only one "Viola" is provided.
Carmen is a girl named 1 Abigail. The original joy is 2 ABBYABBIE, gentle and quiet, 3 ADA, diligent worker, 4 AILSA, happy girl, 5AIMEE, lovely, 6 ALINA, noble, 7 ALLISON, considerate and intelligent, 8 ANGELIA angel, 9AMANDA, sweet and rich, 10 ANN. E kind and elegant 1 1 an elegant 12 Amanda cute 13 amber sexy.
Reference: Yahoo
Carmen is a girl's English name: Adabel Happy Adelia Noble Adeline Noble Adelphi Love adina Be careful adonia Sweet adrianna Smart Aimee Love Alanna Beautiful Alberta Noble Brilliant Albertine Noble Alda Rich Aletea Truth Aleta is like a bird. Alexis' assistant Al Freda Elf Alicia noble, beautiful Alicia's happy allegra is presented by Alison to the lively Baptista Beatrice. Bless Belinda bright Bernadette pious Bettina bright calandra lark, lark Caroline noble Cassandra beneficial Cyrus cherry Charlotte noble dagmar glory Dahlia perfume elegant Danela wisdom darling considerate Diana bright Delia happy Erbetta trustworthy Eleanor inspired Elgar holy Elise to get pregnant. Ambitious Arisha is a god, elvina is friendly, Fayette is loyal, Fedoria is happy, Felicity is happy, Gabriel is a god, gardenia is fragrant, gazelle is elegant, Gertrude, the protector of Geneva juniper (plant) Garda, is warm, and Halda Na is dedicated. Dedicated to peace in harff, Hannah Grace Helga, sacred Helius Guanghua Idella happiness, Jacinta purple, Jacinta beautiful, Jeate kind, Jelena light jewelry, Catherine pure, Katrina sacred, Lala-like, Lana light and late understanding, Lana's famous Larry winged Lauren artist Lavida is pure, lavinia is feminine, Lai Miao La is dedicated, and is committed to Leslie's love for the family. He is happy with leticia, happy with Lila, a lilac woman. God's Oath Lilias Lily Magdala Maidene Maidene Maisie Pearl Majesta Noble Malina Excellent Malva Kind Companion Maid Marj Orie Pearl Marlene Noble Nate Beautiful Audi Rich Olga Lady pallas Clean Passignat Clean Pepita Spain Penela Young Liwa Dreamer Saddler Princess Sadie Salome's Royal Family Peace-loving SameIa Gentle Safira Precious. Szidonia's charming Tacitus, quiet Sardinia, praised Thais, powerful Tiodola, excellent Ula, precious stones in the sea, Arlette treasure, gifts from Vanya.