Hansel and Gretel are young children. Their father is a woodcutter. When a great famine came to this land, the second wife who abused the woodcutter decided to take the children to the Woods and abandon them there, so that she and her husband would not starve to death because the children ate too much. The woodcutter opposed the plan, but finally reluctantly accepted his wife's plan. They don't know that Hansel and Gretel overheard their conversation in the children's bedroom. After her parents went to bed, Hansel sneaked out of the house, collected as many white pebbles as possible, and then went back to her room to comfort Gretel that God would not abandon them.
The next day, the family went deep into the forest, and Hansel paved a white cobblestone path. After the parents leave, the children will wait until the moon rises before going home with pebbles. They returned home safely, which made their stepmother very afraid. Food became scarce again, and the stepmother angrily ordered her husband to take the children farther into the Woods and let them die there. Hansel and Gretel tried to leave the house to collect more pebbles, but found that the door was locked and it was impossible to escape.
The next morning, the family trudged into the Woods. Hansel took a piece of bread and left a bunch of crumbs to follow home. However, when they were abandoned again, the children found that the birds had eaten the bread crumbs and they got lost in the forest. After a few days of wandering, they followed a beautiful Bai Niao to a clearing in the forest, where they found a big hut made of gingerbread and cake, with transparent sugar on the window. Hungry and tired children began to eat the roof of the candy house when the door opened. An old woman appeared and lured them in with a soft bed and delicious food. Not realizing that their hostess was an evil witch, who robbed the children of cooking and eating them, the children entered the house.
The next morning, the witch locked Hansel in an iron cage in the garden and forced Gretel to become a slave. The witch regularly fed Hansel to make him gain weight, but he cleverly took out a bone found in the cage (probably the one previously captured by the witch), and the witch touched it and thought it was his finger. Being blind, she mistakenly thought that Hansel was still too thin to eat. After a few weeks, the witch became impatient and decided to eat Hansel, even though he was not fat.
The witch prepared an oven for Hansel, but she thought she was hungry enough to eat Gretel. She coaxed Graeter into turning on the oven and urged her to lean over to see if the fire was hot enough. Sensing the witch's intentions, Gleiter pretended that she didn't understand what she was told to do. The angry witch demonstrated that Graeter immediately pushed her into the oven and slammed the door, leaving "the evil witch burned to ashes". The witch screamed in pain until she died. Gretel lets Hansel out of the cage, and they find a vase full of treasures and precious stones. The children put the jewels in their clothes and set off for home. A swan took them across a piece of Wang Yang, and at home they only found their father; His wife died of unknown causes. Their father has been grieving for the loss of their children all day and is glad to see them safe and sound. With the witch's wealth, they lived happily ever after.
The Adventures of the Candy House
Hansel and Gretel are the children of a poor lumberjack. Afraid of food shortage, the carpenter's wife, the children's stepmother, persuaded the carpenter to take the children to the forest and abandon them. Hansel and Gretel heard their plan, so they collected some small stones in advance so that they could find their way home along them. When they came back, the stepmother persuaded the carpenter to throw them into the forest again. But this time, they arranged bread crumbs on the roadside. Unfortunately, the crumbs were eaten by animals in the forest, so Hansel and Gretel got lost in the forest.
In the forest, they found a house made of bread and the windows were made of candy. The owner of the house is an old woman. She invited them into the house and held a banquet for them. However, this old woman is actually a witch. She built this house to lure children so that she could fatten them up and kill them to eat. She locked Hansel up and asked Gretel to serve her. When she was preparing to cook Hansel, Gretel climbed into the stove to confirm, but Gretel guessed that the witch was going to roast her, so she tricked the witch into climbing into the stove and scalded her alive.
After taking all the jewels from the witch's house, they found their way home and reunited with their father. At this time, their stepmother had died, and they lived happily ever after.