Tortoise beetle is a common insect, which can be seen everywhere in the morning morning morning morning morning morning petunia garden. Morning glory is their favorite food. They can change the color of their bodies and look like miniature jewels or golden ladybugs. By changing the reflective layer of their bodies, their outer wings become transparent. This miniature beetle is quite similar to the golden probe in the Quidditch competition in Harry Potter.
Scarab (scientific name: Charidotella? Sexpunctata) is one of the smallest and most fascinating transparent creatures in the world. It is only 5 to 8 mm long and is similar in shape to a ladybug. Interestingly, this lovely insect, which feeds on leaves, can show golden luster and turn its color into copper all year round. This color-changing ability comes from the water droplets stored under their outer cuticle, and the light passing through the water droplets refracts and changes color.