Pick binding
Need jewelry processing (360)
Need: Chatal- reverence
Use: Teach you how to cut the blood of amber.
Blood of amber
Pick binding
A carved gem
+12 spell critical strike level
"Corresponding to the yellow slot. Setting this gem will make it a binding object. "
Requirement: Dawn Stone (1)
Illustration: the stone of the blade
Pick binding
Need jewelry processing (360)
Need: Time Keeper-reverence
Teach you how to cut the edge stone.
Blade stone
Pick binding
A carved gem
+12 crit level
"Corresponding to the yellow slot. Setting this gem will make it a binding object. "
Requirement: Dawn Stone (1)
In 2.4, one is physical explosion and the other is legal explosion, which can be used uniformly now. What's more, this method injury used to be 14 method injury, and the other was for treatment. Now it can be used in all legal systems.