Clothing: for the emperor, the crown prince. But the color of the imperial robe is different. The emperor is golden yellow and the crown prince is bright yellow. The number of dragons embroidered on the robes is also different. The emperor embroidered Kowloon, and the crown prince embroidered five dragons. There are four dragons embroidered on the prince's royal robes. The crown of the crown prince consists of nine white beads, and the red silk group is tassel, green ear and rhinoceros. Qing merchants, five chapters of clothing, four chapters of clothing. A single white yarn. Yu Yu Shuangpei. White socks, Zhu Zhong.
There was such a crown prince in Qing dynasty, who was promoted twice and didn't become emperor in the end.
Yin Ren:
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Yin Yong Fujin (Guarga):
/bingji 123456/TsrUIK/photo # 5 10 136238 1644746450
Above, I hope I can help you.