2. In addition to FB, the task of early equipment acquisition is to brush some small copies. At this level, razors can be removed, LM has Nomoregan, and BL is Shadow Tooth Castle. You can find some people to brush together. No one is expected to bring a copy of the new suit, so honestly organize some people to brush it together. Of course, if you have money, you can buy something from the auction house.
3. World of Warcraft really doesn't have any maps focused on tasks, especially in the early stage when there were no horses, and the speed was very slow. However, SS can fight monsters faster, and tasks can be one-on-one. This checkpoint can go to Thousand Needles Stone Forest (Tribe) or Lakeside Town (Alliance). Actually, you don't have to look for these places. If you choose alliance, it should be the task line of human beings. This business is still very easy to do, just avoid the task of gray valley. If it's BL, there's nothing to choose from. The task of Thousand Needles Stone Forest is fairly easy to do.
4, SS is still very fast at fighting monsters. The upgrade talent is mainly demons. Strive for the early release of the Demon Guard, help upgrade some painful talents, and point out the curse of painful corrosion. When fighting monsters, let the fat man go up and resist first, then you can do corrosion, painful curse and sacrifice, and then you can carry one yourself, so that you can kill two monsters at the same time. I will order one for you. Take a look. /tf/ss.html? Talent=IfxZ0GfhkidVcsxuV: Don't worry about those points behind the demon guard. Almost all can wait. Click on them, and after 70, they will be replaced with the talent of destruction.
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