Secondly, if the purchase time is less than 7 days, you can directly request a return. Online shopping can be "no reason to initiate a return within 7 days", which is well known to most consumers. Therefore, if the promise made by the merchant before the sale is different from the after-sale statement, and the goods are in good condition, you can directly request a return. Generally speaking, as long as it does not affect the secondary sales, you can ask for a return.
Consumers can also make reasonable rights protection through reports and complaints. It is a violation of the consumer protection law for merchants to sit on the ground and start at a price. Consumers can call the hotline of 123 15 to make a complaint, or directly report to the local industrial and commercial department.
If necessary, consumers can also make reasonable claims according to the actual situation. Where a business operator commits fraud in providing goods or services, it shall increase the amount of compensation for losses according to the requirements of consumers, that is, three times the price of goods purchased by consumers or three times the cost of receiving services. Consumers will inevitably buy non-genuine goods during the shopping process. Some goods may exceed 10 yuan, and some may be as high as several thousand yuan. If it is a small dispute, it is suggested that consumers can solve it through negotiation and complaint. This involves the high value of goods. If the merchant refuses to admit it, he can also defend his rights through legal means.