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Unit 1


△ relief n. remains; Ruins; historical remains

Rare; Rare; Rare; valuable

Valuable; Valuable; valuable

Survived. Survival; Survival; survive

Vase; Vase; bottle

Dynasty; dynasty

Ivory, ivory.


△ amber n. amber; amber

Looking for discovery

That's great. Create surprises; Surprised


Select vt. ; choose

Honey; Honey; honey

Design; Design pattern; Imagine. Design; Plan; consider

Strange; Strange; Strange. Imagination; Hypothesis; avocation

Style; Style; Mode; type

Decoration v. decoration; decorate

Jewelry; Jewelry; A carved gem

Artist [Zhong? artist

Attribution [Bi? L] belongs to; Become a member of.

Belong to

In return; pay back

Troops [〔tru? Group P]; Group; army

Reception [ri? sep? Reception; Reception; receive

War is war.

Remove [ri? Mu? Move; Move; leave


Stupid [in? W? wooden

Doubt [da? T] doubt; Doubt; Doubt. Doubt; do not believe

△ Mystery [in? Mistry; We? Mist? Ri] mysterious; Mysterious thing

Former [China? fm? The former; The former; late

Worth [w? Prepositions deserve attention; Valuable [ancient] valuable

△ reconstruct [〔ribIld〕 vt.

Local [medium]? Lkl] local; local

Separately; singly


Painting [in? Payanti? ] painting; draw

Castle]? Ksl] Castle

Trial [in? traI? L] trial; Trial; test

△ Witnesses [in? aI? Witness; witness

Evidence [evidence]? evId? According to; evidence

Explosion [ik? explosion

Entrance [in? entr? Entrance?

Sailor? Thayer? Sailor; Seafarers; sailor

Shen [si? k〕 vi。 (sinking, sinking; Sink (sinking) sink; water channel

Maid, maid

Highly evaluate the value; speak highly of

Informal] Yes? informal

Debate [di? Debate; Argument; Debate six. Debate; debate

2 unit

Ancient [in? Eint] ancient times; Ancient

Competition [k? m? Pi? T] VI。 Competition; compete

Competitor [k? m? Roland? opponent

Participate; join

Medal [in? Medl] medal; Medal; medal

Representative representative; Symbol; express

△ mascot [in? m? sk? t; ? m? sk? T] mascot

The magic [in? m? d? Ikl] witchcraft; Magic; charming

Volunteer [in? v? l? n? tI? ] volunteers; Voluntary ['obligatory] a. obligation. &; Intransitive verbs are voluntary.

Home [China]? hml? Motherland; This/someone's country

Formal [? re? j? l? Routine; Regularly; traditional

Basic [medium]? Becis [example. Bases) foundation; according to

Athletes [? Lee? T] athletes; athlete

Admit [? d? Massachusetts institute of technology. /vi。 Allow; Acknowledge; admit

Slave, slave

Now [in? Nadeiz] v. today; at present

Gymnastics [d]? Im? n? Stiks] gymnastics; PE

△ Competitive [in? Lettix [a]. ) sports; track and filed; athletics

The stadium [in? Stidy? Nouns. Stadium (large open-air stadium)

Gymnasium (gym) [d? Im? My wife? m〔d? Im]) gymnasium; fitness room

The same is true; Again; still

Host. Moderator; Sponsor; Entertain the host

Responsibility [ri? sp? nsbIl? Responsibility; accountability

△ olive [liv] olive tree; Olive leaves; Olive branch; Chinese olive

△ wreath [ri] n. wreath; Corolla; ring

Replace [ri? PleIs ['pleis] n. Substitution; Replace; replace

Motto [in? m? T] motto; Motto; maxim

Swift [swift] is fast; quick

△ similarity [medium? sIml? r? Ti] similarity; similar point

Charge [t? d? ﹍vt。 & intransitive verbs charge; Charged expenses; Responsible/in charge

Charge supervisor; take care of

Physics [in? Fizikl] physics; bodily

Ok, satisfactory

Poster [in? pst? Poster; poster;playbill

Advertising [dv? TaIz [example] & intransitive verb advertisement; notification

△ Princess [Middle? Prin? Ses] princess

Glory ['glory] n. honour

Bargaining [winning]? b? In; Yes. Bargaining; Bargaining; trade

△ Prins [prins] Prins

Is it hopeless? There is no hope; Desperate

Stupid? Fu? Lee? Stupid; Stupid; foolish

△ Goddess [Middle? goddess

Pain, pain

One by one; One by one.

Serves you right [〔dI〕]? Zv [6]. & be (rewarded or punished); be worth

△ shooter [middle? Stryker ] rapper; Striker (of football)

Unit 3

△ abacus [b? k? abacus

△ calculator [in? k? lkj? Wright? calculator

△PC(= personal computer) personal computer; personal computer

△ notebook computer [in? l? pt? laptop computer

△PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) handheld computer; personal digital assistant (PDA)

[nlitikl] adj of delta analysis

Calculate "calculate"? k? lkj? calculate

Almighty [? Home? Ni? Vsl] universal; Universal; Ordinary

Simplify [in? Simple; Simple.

sum】s? M] n. the total number; Arithmetic problems; a sum of money

Operator [p? reIt? (computer) operator; operator

Logic [in? l? d? Ikl] logic; reasonable

Logically [in? l? d? Ikli] Logically; Logically; Systematically

Technology [〔tek? n? l? d? Technology; Technology; technology

Science and technology [in? teknl? d? Ikl] technology

Revolutionary [China] country? revolution

Man-made [? tI? Fi. Artificial; deceiver

Intelligence [in? Acupuncture mole] information; Smart; intelligence

Intelligence [in? Telidnt] intelligence; smart

Solve [s]? Lv。 Solve; explain

△ Mathematics [in? Hmm? mathematics

From ... from ... ...

Reality] rIl? ti]true; Facts; reality

△ Designer [di? Zain? designer

Personal "sex"? ps? Nl] individuals; Individuals; personal

Personal [in? ps? n? Li] v. individual; As far as I am concerned.

Tube [〔tju? B] tube; Tube; radio tube

Delta transistor [tr? n? zIst? transistor

△ chip [t? Fragments; chip

as a result of

Total [in? Ttl] whole; The total number of the whole; total

Completely [in? Ttli] completely; from the higher levels to the grass roots

So ... that ... so ... that. ...

Network [in? Reticular; netlike


Ap〔plIcation [pli? keI? Application; Use; apply for

Financial center? faIn? Ns] finance; Finance and economy

Mobile phone [in? Mbail] mobile; movable

Rocket [in? r? rocket

Explore [ik? Spl [example] Exploration of intransitive verbs; Detection; explore

In a word [in]? Yi Ni, huh? Anyway, even so.

Target [in? L] n. goal; Purpose; Score a goal.

Happiness? h? Pinis] happiness; happy

Humans. Humans.

△ matching [〔sptI? Support; Support; Bearing-supported

Download [in? Da? n? Download

△ Programmer [in? Public relations? r? m? Programmer [programmer]

Virus? vaI? r? virus

△android〔ndr? robot

Signal [in? Is it? n? L [6]. & Send a signal

△ teammate [middle? ti? A companion; partner

Vt type & Typing

to some extent

Coach [kt? coach

Get up, get up. (appear, appear) appear; happen

With the help of ...

Electronic [in? Eric? tr? nIk? Ilek? tr? Nick] Electronic

Appearance [pi? r? N s] appearance; Appearance; appear

Character [in? k? r? kt? Character; trait

mop】m? Mop, mop. Mop the floor; beat

Processing; Arrangement; deal with

Guard; Stay alert

△ Naughty [middle? Naughty; Naughty; naughty

Niece [Ni? Niece; brother's daughter

△ spoil [sp? il]vt。 Damaged; corruption

Unit 4

Wild animals [in? wild animals

Protection [〔prtek? protect

Wild, wild; Wild; Undeveloped;


△ Habitat [in? h? Bit? Habitat; Natural environment (of animals and plants)

△ threat [〔retn〕 vt & intransitive verb intimidation; threaten

Reduce [di? Kerry. Six. & reduce; (make) smaller;

Or less.

△ endanger [in? Definition; Definition. Harm; In danger

Die out; Gradually disappear

Loss [l? S] n. loss; Lost; lose

Reserve [ri? Zv] nature reserve

hunt 〔h? nt。 & intransitive verb hunting; Hunting; seek

Zone, zone; Zone. region

In peace; In harmony; calmly

In danger; the disease has spread to the vital organs—be beyond cure/recovery

△ species [medium? spii? z]n . kind; kind

Carpet [medium]? Kbit] carpet

Response [ri? sp? nd】VI。 Answer; Respond; reaction

Distant "? dIst? Far away, far away

Fur, fur; Hair; fine hair

Antelope, antelope

Relief [ri? Lee? F. relieve or relieve (pain or anxiety); Something to relieve pain.

Be relieved in relief; as if relieved of a heavy burden

Laughter [in? lft? Laugh; laugh

A burst of laughter; Laugh out loud.

Compassion [in? Msi] Kindness; Forgiveness; sympathize with

Sure [? Stn] clear; One; of course

Importance] Im? Ptns] importance (sex)

Hey [r? [b] wiping; difficulty

Protect ... from protection ... from ... (injury)

Mosquito [〔mski? mosquito

△ millipede [in? Milipi? thousand-legger

Worm? insect

Include [k? n? Tein [example] Contain; Accommodate; bear

Awesome [medium]? Pafl] strong; powerful

Influence, influence. Influence; Moved; Invade/invade

Note] Ten? Attention; Concern; attention

Pay attention.

Gratitude ['gratitude] n. Gratitude; realize

Success? k? Is it? Take over; Success; Success; Take over a position

△ Rhinoceros [in? rhinoceros

Safety [si? Safe; reliable

Income [in? Me? k? m; ? Ink? M] income

Employment [〔Im〕]? pl? 1) Employment; Use (time, energy, etc).

Harm [um] n&; Damage; harm

△ Elk Elk

Bite the bait & intransitive verb (bite, bite) bite; Ding; thorn/stab/stimulate/spy/assassinate

△ extinction [ik? stI? k? Extinction; withered

Dinosaurs? Dane? dinosaur

Form; Form; produce

△ County [Middle? ka? Nti] county; county

Inspection [in? [example] ①. Check; check

△ unexpected [〔nIk? Spektid] accident; accidental

Event [in? InsId? Events; Events; event

Dust [d]? Dust; Dust; dust

According to; according to ...

Delta disappear [in? dIspI? r? disappear

Fierce [fi? Fierce; Fierce; violent

In order to; result

The ending [in? Dean? Ending; final result

△ Loyalty [in? Fee? f? Li] faithfully; devotedly

△ colobus monkey [middle? k? l? b? South African colobus monkey

Unit 5

△ classical [middle? kl? Sikl] classical; classical literature

Rolling; Scroll. & intransitive verbs roll; Shake [cause] to shake; Volume; Rolling; bagel

△ rock? n? Roll (rock? And then what? Rolling) rock music

△ Orchestra [Zhong? kIstr? orchestra

△rap〔r? Rap music

Folk, folk


△ Chorus? kr? Facing the choir; chorus

Musician [〔mjuzI? musician

A dreamy dream; Dream; imagine

△ karaoke [in? k? rI? Ki] n. karaoke recording;

Automatic accompaniment recording

Pretend to be [〔prI〕]? Tend] pretend; Disguised as

Tell the truth; Tell the truth.

Attached [t? t? ﹍vt。 & fasten it; Tie it up; Additional; connect

Attach that ... is considered (important, meaningful);

Attach; connect

Form; Form. Form; compose

△ reputation [feim] n. reputation; Fame and prestige

Passer-by? By "? Passerby; pedestrian

Earned. Earned; acquire

Extra [medium]? ekstr? Extra[ extra]; complemental

Instrument [in? Instr? m? [nt] a tool; Instrument; musical instrument

Performing PFM. /vi。 Performance; Performance; carry out

Performance [〔pfm? Ns] execution; Perform an instrumental performance

pub〔p? b]pub; bar


Cash; Have cash

Studio [in? stju? Di] studio; studio

Millionaire] Milne? Millionaire; billionaire

Make fun of

Actor [kt? ] an actor; porter (at a railway station)

Dependence [ri? Lai] six. Dependence; rely on

Dependence dependence; rely on

Broadcast [in? brdkst〔n 〕& amp; Intransitive verb & transitive verb (broadcast; Broadcast) broadcast; broadcast

Humor [in? hju? m? r? Humor; Humor; Humorous

Familiar [〔fmIlI? Familiar with; Familiar with; Common; Extremely intimate

Familiar/familiar; Start to know ...

Or something like that

Break up and break up; Split; dismantle

△ Reunion [China? ri? Reunion; Unified; Reunion; Recombination

Attractive] tr? Ktiv] Attractive;


Addition [di? Add; Increase; add

In addition, in addition; also

Sorotte classification

△ excited [ik? saItm? Excited; Excited; stimulate

△ Folk songs [in? b? l? D] folk songs; Love songs; folk song

△ All night [? At night; At night; Soon; suddenly

Dip, dip, dip. soak

△ Tadpole? t? tadpole

△ lily [in? Lily; lily

Self-confidence [center]? k? nfId? Nt] confidence; convinced

brief 〔bri? F] short; A brief summary; summary

Simply [say]? bri? Fli] briefly; curtly

Devotion [Di? v? Input; Love deeply

Afterwards [? ft? W? Dz〕 adv then; then

Invite the Central Committee? Invid? teI? Invitation; service

Beard [Bi? beard

Sensitive [medium? sens? Tiv] sensitive; Fragile; sensitive

Pain [in? Painful [peinfl]; aching

The most important thing is: first,