Wupo gave Mi Yue the money for selling embroidery, and mentioned meeting Huang Xie, which made Mi Yue very happy. The court only appointed Gan Mao and Meng Ben, and the wise men in the DPRK withered. Gan Mao, Ren Bi and others decided to take a look at Jiuding in the Zhou Dynasty. Zhou people deliberately stimulated vagrancy, saying that no one in the world could lift this tripod. Without fear, he tried to lift the tripod himself. In the cheers of all, he was overwhelmed by Jiuding and vomited blood and fell to the ground to die. I died lifting a tripod and was heartbroken. A country cannot live without a monarch for a day. She proposed to the imperial concubine and Gan Mao that the son of Wei Chang be the monarch. Wei Yan and Wei Yi learned about the establishment of Li Chu from Chi Liji and lied that Wei was pregnant. Mi Fei worried that Mrs Yuan's testamentary edict would cause trouble, and sent Gan Mao to send imperial guards to surround the imperial palace in the northern suburbs. Mrs. Yuan, according to Mi Yue's entrustment, told Yongrui to stay up all night and take Mi Yue and her son back as soon as possible.
Episode 665438 +0
Yi Shu called his grandchildren to court and asked their opinions about the storage space. He used a fresh peach to win their credit. As a result, Yuan Wah and Yuan Hui had a big fight. Yuan Wah's soldiers rushed into the temple, killed Yuan Hui, and ordered people to arrest Yuan Wah. The court was in chaos. Wupo came to Mi Yue and said that Master Guanyin was willing to pay a large sum of money for her to make a silk embroidered sweater. Huang Xie looked for Mi Yue in the street with embroidery bought from Wupo, Ying Ji recognized Du Rehua on the embroidery, and Huang Xie and Ying Ji were happily reunited. Mi Yue has always had doubts about the wedding dress, and Ying Ji brought back the good news of Huang Xie, which made everyone very happy. Qin's eyeliner reported that Meng Kun and Guo Kun had been in chaos in Qin. Meng Kun ordered Guo Kui to take Mi Yue and her son to the palace in a few days. Ting Wei of the State of Yan traveled to Mi Yue to search and found the wedding deposit and gold and silver jewelry given by Wupo, accusing Mi Yue and others of stealing.