When I was looking for my master, I was walking in the mountains of Otani with my book box on my back and Tara shoes on. In winter, the wind was cold and the snow was several feet deep, and my feet and skin were frozen and cracked. When I got to the house, my limbs were stiff and I couldn't move. People drank soup and covered it for a long time. If you stay with your host, you will eat it again every day, and it will not taste fresh and fat. All the students are embroidered, wearing a hat decorated with pearls and jewels, with a circle of white jade around their waist, a sword on the left and a stinking one on the right, which looks like a god; I look a little ugly in my robe. Because there are enough things in your heart to make you happy, don't feel that the enjoyment of food is not as good as others. My efforts and efforts are probably like this. I liked studying when I was young. Because my family is poor, I can't afford to buy books. I often borrow books from book collectors, copy them myself and return them on an agreed date. When the weather is very cold, the water in the inkstone pool is frozen into hard ice, and the fingers can't bend and stretch, and they still don't slack off. Return it to others as soon as possible after copying, and dare not exceed the agreed time limit slightly. So most people are willing to lend me books, so I can read a lot of books. As an adult, I admire the theory of sages more and more, but I am worried that I will not be able to make knowledgeable teachers and celebrity friends. I ran hundreds of miles away with the scriptures in my hand and asked the villagers for advice. His predecessors were noble and famous, and his master students crowded his room. His words and attitude are never euphemistic. I stood beside him, asking questions, asking truth, and bowed my head to him for advice; Sometimes I am reprimanded, my expression is more respectful, my manners are more thoughtful, and I dare not answer a word; Ask him when he is happy. So although I was stupid, I finally learned a lot.
When I was looking for a teacher, I carried a book box and dragged my shoes in the old valley in the mountains. In the severe winter, the wind was cold and the snow was several feet deep, and my feet and skin were frozen and cracked. When I arrived at the school house, my limbs were frozen and I couldn't move. The servant poured me hot water and covered me with a quilt. It took a long time to warm up. Living in the hotel owner's place, eating two meals a day, there is no fresh, fat and delicious enjoyment. Students' scholars are all well-dressed, wearing hats decorated with pearls and treasures, with white jade rings hanging around their waists, knives on the left and sachets on the right, which are as bright as gods; I am wearing a shabby robe among them, and I am not jealous. Because there are enough things in my heart to make me happy, I don't feel that the enjoyment of food, clothing, housing and transportation is not as good as others. This is my hard work and hardship.