Confucius said, "A gentleman knows the great righteousness, but a villain only knows the interests."
Confucius once said that wealth, power and status are what people want, but they can only be obtained by correct morality. They should remember to consider righteousness when they see profit, but they can't forget righteousness when they see profit. During the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Bu was a mean person who forgot his righteousness before his gain.
Dong Zhuoquan is in power, and he has the final say both inside and outside the palace. Once, he had dinner with hundreds of civil and military officials. During the dinner, he said, "I think our current emperor is too weak to be a boss." Why don't we change someone to be emperor? " All the officials are timid. They are too scared to speak. Suddenly someone shouted, "Who are you? If you change the emperor, you will change the emperor. " When Dong Zhuo saw that it was Ding Yuan, the secretariat of Jingzhou, he said angrily, "Those who obey me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die." Draw your sword and confront each other. Dong Zhuo's subordinate Marotta saw a man standing behind Ding Yuan, eight feet tall, handsome and commanding. This man is Lu Bu. Marotta knew that Lu Bu was powerful and was afraid that Dong Zhuo would suffer, so he went forward and said, "Don't talk about state affairs when drinking and chatting." Others also advised Ding Yuan to calm down. So the banquet broke up in discord.
The next day, Ding Yuan and Lu Bu led a large group of people to get together to find Dong Zhuo. Lu Bu wore a golden crown, chain mail, a lion belt around his waist, a hundred flowers shirt, tiger boots and a halberd in his hand. It's really imposing and murderous! When the two armies were arrayed, Lu Bu came to the front with a halberd and cursed Dong Zhuo, the eighteenth generation of the old Dong ancestor, and then took the lead in killing him. He was unstoppable and Dong Zhuo was defeated.
Dong Zhuo was very unhappy after returning to the camp and asked his men, "Lu Bu is so powerful, who can help me kill him?" Su Li, Dong Zhuo's counselor, rolled his eyes and said, "I can handle this. I can not only kill Ding Yuan, but also treat Lu Bu as my younger brother and let him help us fight in the future. " Dong Zhuo said: "I didn't find it before. You are really a braggart. " Su Li said, "I'm not bragging. Lu Bu and I are fellow villagers and know this person very well. As long as you give me enough gold and silver jewelry and your red rabbit BMW, I can make Lu Bu jump off the boat. " Dong Zhuo readily agreed.
When he arrived outside Lu Bu Zhai, he said to the gatekeeper, "Go and tell your general that his fellow villagers have come to see him." After the guards informed, Lu Bu let Su Li into the tent and asked him the most concerned question: "Lao Li, where have you been promoted and made a fortune now?" Su Li replied: "At present, there is a samurai commander." This officer is not small, but Lu Bu still doesn't care. After listening to this, he felt that this person was useless to himself, and his face became much colder. At this time, Su Li sent a gift-thousands of gold.
1000 Liang, a big longan, three pearls and a green 1 emerald belt were dedicated to Lu Bu, saying, "Although I am not a big official these years, I have a good relationship with my boss and have some savings. We haven't seen each other for a long time, so I'll give you a small gift. " When Lu Bu saw these "small gifts", his eyes lit up and he thanked him with saliva. Some names were changed from "Lao Li" to "General Li".
Seeing that Lu Bu was as "easy to communicate" as before, Li Su said while the iron was hot, "Please follow me outside the account, and there is another gift for you." Lu Bu heard that there were still good things that could not be transported into the big account, so he rushed out of the account in three steps and two steps. Take a closer look, there is a BMW parked outside the account, a global limited edition, just one! The horse is covered with hot coals and hairless. From beginning to end, one foot long; From hoof to neck, it is eight feet high; Screaming and growling, it has the shape of flying into the sea. A pinch of hair on the top of the head is particularly red, which means that there are horns on the head; The hair on both sides of the stomach is rolled up, called the underbelly scale; The hoof hair is very long, called the cloud under the hoof. Later generations have poems praising Red Rabbit:
Running thousands of miles in the dust,
Climb the mountain through the water, and the purple fog opens.
The broken silk rein shakes the jade bridle,
The dragon flew for nine days.
Lu Bu was dumbfounded at the sight of the horse and asked, "Brother Li, is this the legendary red rabbit horse?" Is it for me? " This Lyu3 bu4 has changed so fast, and now it's very intimate. Su Li replied, "My boss heard a lot about the general and admired him very much. He has a good horse, which is a red rabbit. He traveled thousands of miles every day, crossing the water and climbing mountains, all dedicated to his good brother to help Hu Wei. "
Lyu3 bu4 told people to keep an eye on Red Rabbit, took Su Li's hand and re-entered the tent, brought all his good tea and wine to entertain the guests, and then said, "Brother Li is really blessed to have such a good boss. Who is it? " Su Li replied: "Dong Zhuo, the great teacher of the dynasty." Hearing this, Lu Bu faded. Su Li quickly asked, "What happened to Lu Xiandi? I feel terrible. " Lu Bu replied, "To tell you the truth, I just hacked Master Dong's men yesterday and insulted his 18 th generation ancestors. Now think about it, I really regret it. " Why did Lu Bu say that? Because he didn't expect an idiot to get along so well under Dong Zhuo, he wouldn't succeed if he was the first valiant soldier in the Three Kingdoms, so he talked about what happened yesterday and sounded the tune. Su Li said quickly, "My dear brother is too oversensitive. Grandpa Dong is broad-minded, eager for talents and courteous to Corporal Xian. He won't take what happened yesterday to heart. I am an incompetent guru who values it too much. If my good brother is willing to jump ship, I can guarantee that you will enjoy endless prosperity in the future. "
At night, Lyu3 bu4 came to Ding Yuan's tent with a kitchen knife, denounced Ding Yuan's unkindness and ignorance, and dared to oppose the respected Dong Taishi, then cut off Ding Yuan's head and dedicated it to Dong Zhuo.
Lyu3 bu4 knelt in front of Dong Zhuo and wept bitterly, saying, "A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses an opportunity to do things. Today, I finally found a wise Lord. From then on, I will mix with you and go to hell to die. " Dong Zhuo helped Lu Bu up and asked, "General Lu is as clever as he is. It's an honor to meet the general. Do you have any requirements? " Please let me know if you need anything. Just forget it. "Lyu3 bu4 thought, Ding Yuan is a father-son relationship, but now in Dong Zhuo's door, the relationship can't be far away. Therefore, Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo said, "My father died early and lacked fatherly love since childhood. I don't know if the teacher can fulfill me and give my father love. "Two people hit it off and established a perfectly justifiable father-son relationship.
But in the end, Lu Bu found his new father's love for a girl, killed Dong michel platini and recognized Wang Yun as michel platini. In this way, Lu Bu recognized Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo and Wang Yun as michel platini. Later generations "honored" him as a "three surnames domestic slave"!
During the Three Kingdoms period, the world was in chaos. Lyu3 bu4 could have started a career on his own, but his personality is really flattering. If everyone can't do well, how can he talk about his career? Later generations have a poem evaluation way:
General painting halberd can open the sky,
Gone with the world should have been heroic;
But talent without virtue,
The three surnames of domestic slaves are considered by the world.
Selfishness is what gentlemen do, and it is also our goal. Even if you can't do it, you can't be a selfish villain like Lu Bu.