Prohibited articles, restricted articles, dangerous goods and other articles with peculiar smell or easily polluting aircraft as stipulated by the state shall not be checked as baggage or sandwiched in luggage.
Airlines may refuse to claim or terminate their luggage at any time if they find that the luggage contains any articles that cannot be transported as luggage or articles that were caught in the luggage before or during transportation. For transportation safety, airlines can check their luggage with passengers. When necessary, the inspection can be carried out in conjunction with relevant departments.
If the passenger refuses to be inspected, the airline has the right to refuse to transport the baggage. The main items that are not allowed to be checked in the luggage are: small valuables: cash, securities, money orders, credit cards, jewelry and cameras. Emergency articles: medicines, keys, passports, traveler's checks, business documents. Irreplaceable items: manuscripts, family heirlooms. Fragile products: glass, glass container, liquid. The above items should be carried with you, or put in the carry-on luggage that can be put under the seat. The airline shall be responsible for the loss or damage of the above-mentioned items carried in the checked baggage according to the ordinary checked baggage. Passengers are not allowed to carry controlled knives on board. Sharp or blunt tools other than controlled knives should be checked with the checked baggage and cannot be carried with you.