Sogdians generally wear white clothes. Hui Lin's "All Classics, Sounds and Meanings" (Volume 2 1) said that "laity in the western regions all wear white clothes", and Xuanzang also said, "Ji wears plain clothes, and she wears soap clothes fiercely." Black is the color of mourning. Don't wear it. Because the Sogdians value business and profit, there is no difference in clothing color, and the other colors are also in their own interests. The so-called "plain clothes" are not all white, mostly green flowers, and generally wear pointed virtual hats, which is about the legacy of ancient Cypriots, and some hats have front eaves; The virtual hat with rolled eaves is convenient for shading and farsightedness, and is suitable for long-distance travel. Its clothing is characterized by narrow sleeves and tight body, paying attention to highlighting body lines. Xuanzang remembered that he was "anxious", and Liu Zhengyan's poem "Hu Shan has small sleeves" is the expression of this feature. Sogdians pay special attention to their belts, such as the so-called ten thousand nails gold belt, which is decorated with all kinds of precious stones and swords. The frescoes of Pinzhi Kent vividly describe this point, wearing long leather boots to facilitate trudging in the sand, while maiko wears brocade soft boots. Liu Zhengyan's poem says, "Make feet colorful and brocade boots soft", and there are soft slippers, which the Sogdians seem to prefer to wear at home. 1The Water-Splashing Festival of Begging for the Cold Waterfall on October 30th was originally a Persian festival. According to legend, during the reign of Pirooz III of the Sassanian dynasty in Persia (459-483), there was a great drought. Thanks to the king's rescue, every day is a splash of water. "Begging for cold, in Guo Kangzhi joy to go abroad. Its musical instruments include drums, drums, pipa, crickets and flutes. The fun is mostly in November, naked, watering the road, and jumping to get cold. " This festival has a great influence on the countries of Tarim Oasis. There is also a wine festival. According to Ali Beecher's cloud, May 18 is Libaba Flower Festival, also called Bami Flower Festival, which means drinking pure grape pulp, and the 26th is Karin Flower Festival, which means tasting holy grapes. This festival lasted until August 9, and later evolved into a harvest festival for Uighurs in the Qing Dynasty.