I want to find some information about the SWOT analysis of Chanel.
Brother, you asked this question! ! Chanel is just a brand! I don't know if you want to ask him the SWOT of the head office or the SWOT of this brand! The advantage of Chanel is that it covers a wider range than other famous brands, and there are several unique and popular designs in various fields, such as high-end uniforms, high-end women's garments, perfumes, cosmetics, skin care products, shoes, handbags, glasses, watches, jewelry accessories and so on. He can find some excellent classic styles in these fields! Although it covers a wide range, his quality and quality are highly valued, because only good quality can last long. Take his perfume as an example. In Chanel company, all perfumes are not prepared step by step according to the production procedures, but the nerves of smell, vision, touch, hearing and taste of perfume preparers are fully mobilized, and the products are felt and experienced with body, mind and spirit, and the products are created with heart. It can be directly said that chanel no.5 perfume is made by a perfumer with his own nose, thus ensuring that chanel no.5 perfume not only conforms to people's olfactory habits, but also has a unique taste and emotional appeal. As Mrs. Chanel herself described it: "This is what I want. A completely different perfume; A woman's perfume; An unforgettable fragrance, Chanel's advertising is quite strong. For example, his advertisements and his movies are unforgettable. In fact, the advantage of one company is the disadvantage of another company, from which we can find the shortcomings of our own company. If you want to find the SWOT of your own company, you can look at the SWOT of the same brand and you can find the answer. If it's bad, maybe it's because he did too much, the company is difficult to manage, and he gave it to agents, and some agents helped the brand rot, and the current designer Karl Largerfeld didn't make much breakthrough. In addition, I saw on the news that the tariffs on perfume and cars should be greatly reduced to suppress online shopping. Although it is not aimed at a company, it can make the agents in China survive! What a mess. I have no time to think about it. Your question is too broad. This is entirely the work of your company's enterprise analysis group!