In ancient times, feather tubes could not be used indiscriminately. Generally, Henaan has made great contributions to the imperial court, and only the king can give him a reward to wear it. If you dress casually, you will definitely be punished by the king. Therefore, in ancient times, the feather tubes on the hats of court officials could not be replaced casually, but there were so many feather tubes in small Shenyang, which shows that its position in North Korea is definitely unusual. Moreover, only the king is qualified to enjoy the feather tube. Obviously, Qianlong also gave a lot of feather tubes to Xiao Shenyang.
Lingguan is actually an official position. People with different official positions have different spiritual officials. The higher the position, the more precious the spiritual officer is. An official position like Minister Yipin usually has feather tubes made of jadeite and jade, while some feather tubes are made of tourmaline, ceramics or enamel, so feather tubes are actually valuable for collection. After all, these materials are very precious, and it is very likely that they were corroded by Xiao Shenyang.
In ancient times, in fact, officials' official uniforms and hats were designed in many details. Besides the feather tube, the beads on the hat are different, and different officials can have different ones. Therefore, in ancient times, the feather tube was actually a symbol of status, and the material of the feather tube itself was very precious, so it was actually very valuable at that time and could be owned as property. As a businessman, Xiao Shenyang is very greedy for money, and naturally he will not let go of the feather tube.