Li Changchun operated in Chang 'an, and had a good relationship with Chang 'an officials and many concubines of Gaozu, especially with the favorite concubine of Gaozu, Yin Debei. They often say good things about Li in front of Gaozu: "Long live the Supreme King, the King of Qin succeeds to the throne, and the servant and mother stay alone." "The East Palace is kind and kind, and will certainly be able to raise a servant and mother." And so on, so that Li always maintained his trust in it.
It can be said that Li is a very lucky person. He is the eldest son of Tang Gaozu, and also a justified prince. He was deeply loved by Tang Gaozu and supported by Li Yuanji and concubines in the harem. But it is a pity that such a dominant person finally lost to Li Shimin in the later "Xuanwu Gate Change". Why? The reason is actually very simple, mainly for two reasons:
First, Li Yuan's power distribution to the prince was uneven.
After Li Yuan succeeded to the throne, Li Jian was made a prince, giving him the opportunity to inherit the throne. At this time, Tang Gaozu also needed Li Shimin to fight in the north, because Li Shimin was not deprived of military power, personnel appointment right and coinage right, which gave Li Shimin the opportunity to develop and the ability to seize power.
When Tang Gaozu began to realize this, it was too late. Many people in the DPRK, even because of their outstanding military achievements, stood in his camp and formed a rival force with Li.
Second, compared with Li, he is more ruthless and decisive.
In fact, Li doesn't like it very much, but he thinks this man is his own brother, so he just wants to weaken each other's strength, but he doesn't want to take his life.
In fact, at a very young age, there was a chance to be poisoned, but unfortunately, his indecision made this matter eventually fail and even aroused vigilance.
When he felt Li's attitude, he naturally needed to gamble on his life and future, so he made a firm choice-to launch the change of Xuanwu Gate. After this bloody battle, Li and Li Yuanji were killed before they could react, and they regretted it for life.
In "Starting a Business in the Tang Dynasty", Prince Li fought with his father and made outstanding achievements all the way, but not outstanding. Just as later historians talked about earnestly urging his father not to return to Taiyuan from the front line of Huoyi, it is also clearly recorded in the Notes on Datang Entrepreneurship that Li He advocated it and accepted it gladly, and there was no "crying and remonstrating".
It is not difficult to see that people who can ascend to the throne, especially those who do not rely on the system of succession, are generally cruel and powerful, such as Judy in the Ming Dynasty. If not, they have little chance to win the bloody battle of succession to the throne and get the final glory. And it also tells us that people's success depends not only on their own weight, but also on their own decisions, don't you think?