Four. Sandpaper pushes wood 1. Tools and materials: standard rectangular wooden strips (length 250㎜× width 25㎜× height 5㎜), sandpaper, transparent glue and tweezers. 2, production method: take a whole piece of sandpaper, sandpaper layer by layer on the wood, sand surface outward. When making sandpaper push wood strips, every time you fold a surface, you should draw a straight stripe without sand along the edge of the wood strip with tweezers, and then fold it along the stripe until the whole sandpaper is folded onto the wood strip, and both ends of the sandpaper are fixed with transparent glue. It should be noted that every corner of the wood strip wrapped by sandpaper is a standard right angle, and the lap joints at both ends should be neat after sandpaper wrapping. Sandpaper pushing wood is mainly used to hold the right angle, straight edge and plane of jewelry workpiece. Sandpaper pushes the outer layer of wood. After the sandpaper is dulled, it can be torn off. V triangle sandpaper 1, tools and materials: crane, steel needle, sandpaper, scissors. 2, production method: triangle sandpaper can be divided into big triangle sandpaper and small triangle sandpaper. ① Small triangular sandpaper: cut the sandpaper into an isosceles triangle, with the standard of 20mm× 20mm× 9mm. Clamp the steel needle on the motorcycle head of the crane, with the end with the nose outward, exposing about15mm. Insert the smallest end of the triangular sandpaper on the nose of the steel needle, with the sand facing upwards. Start the crane slowly and gently press one end of the rotating triangular sandpaper. Small triangle sandpaper can replace sandpaper ring to clamp some small parts of mold, and the effect is very good. The disadvantage is that it is not durable enough and needs to be replaced frequently when polishing. ② Big triangle sandpaper: Cut the sandpaper into an isosceles obtuse triangle with 25mm× 25mm× 40mm scissors, and insert the acute end of the triangular sandpaper into the tip of the steel needle with the sand surface facing upward. Pay attention to the straight edge of the triangle facing outward, start the crane for a long time, and press the end of the rotating triangular sandpaper on the surface plug for compaction. Let it automatically turn into a small sandpaper ring. Big triangle sandpaper and small triangle sandpaper are basically the same in use, but the difference is that big triangle sandpaper is more durable than small triangle sandpaper. Six, salon stick tools and materials leather tiger (musket), waste rotary needle, hammer, anvil, vice. Production method: pedal the balloon, light the welding torch, and put the waste needle on the welding tile to burn red. After it is naturally cooled, clamp the waste needle in a vice, and bend it at the end of the steel needle for about 8㎜ with an angle of about 1 10. The curvature must be straight. If the vice can't bend it or the bending degree is not enough, you can clamp the waste needle in the vice and put it on the anvil to bend it with a hammer.
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