During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a Wei Zhi. Although he is the prime minister on the earth, he may also be an official in the sky. At that time, there was a little white dragon Because of the wrong rain, the jade emperor told it to rain one inch and three inches. It rained a foot and three inches, so all the farmland was flooded. This violated Heaven, and Heaven sent Wei Zhi to cut the little white dragon. However, when Xiao Bailong learned the news, he first gave Tang Taizong a dream and said to him, "You should save me tomorrow." . You are a dragon, and I am a dragon, so you have to save this dragon.' Emperor Taizong said:' Since you and I are both dragons, we are brothers. If you have anything I have to help, what can I do to save you? It says:' I broke the law today, because it rained wrongly, and I will be beheaded tomorrow, and the beheading person is Prime Minister Wei Zhi. As long as you keep him tomorrow, let him stay with you and don't ask him to do anything, then he can't kill me. Taizong said:' Easy! I am the emperor, he is my official, and he must listen to me. "Don't worry," so the next day, Emperor Taizong called Wei Zhi to play chess with him. Taizong thought,' I play chess with him, and he can't live without me. Of course he won't cut the little white dragon.' So they played chess together. When they played chess until noon, Wei Zhi suddenly fell asleep. Taizong thought happily,' He is asleep, so he can't kill the little white dragon. I don't have to worry this time. Who knows this Wei Zhi went to bed, but his god went out and ran to the sky to get his magic gun, killing the little white dragon. Then I came back and continued to play chess with Taizong. It was past noon when I finished the game. Emperor Taizong thought, Little White Dragon told him that as long as it was past noon, Wei Zhi couldn't kill it again. So I thought,' Ha! I saved my brother, and I did a lot of credit this time! Unexpectedly, at night, Xiao Bailong came to him and said,' You said we were brothers and wanted to save me, so why didn't you save me? Let your courtiers kill me. Now it's like you killed me, and you have to pay for my life! When Emperor Taizong woke up, he was terrified to know that Xiaobailong was coming to beg for mercy. The next day, I discussed it with Xu Maogong, a military adviser. Xu Maogong said, "Never mind, we have two people here who can stop it, namely Qin Qiong and Jingde. If we use them to guard the back door, this little white dragon won't dare to come. "Qin Qiong is a yellow-faced god, and Jingdezhen is a black-faced god. His face is darker than the current black paint, black enough to shine. So I used these two men to watch the door, and sure enough, Xiaobailong didn't dare to come at night. However, if these two men are used to watch the gatekeepers every night, and they are both generals of the country, it will not be too hard. So he painted portraits of the two of them and put them in the back door to watch the door for Taizong, so that the dragon would never come again. Therefore, every New Year in China, people also put portraits of Qin Qiong and Jingde on their doors, so that these monsters will not dare to come in and make trouble again.
The cause and effect of the dragon is that it' uses emergency stop to slow down'. It works hard in practice, and once it learns Buddhism, it does not strictly abide by the precepts. Because it is urgent, it can become an avatar, and because it is slow, it degenerates into a beast. This is a simple explanation of' dragon'.
Gruda, a golden-winged bird in Dapeng, specializes in feeding on dragons. How big is this bird? As soon as its wings spread, it is as big as 300. Ten-day is a number used to measure mileage in India. It is divided into ten-day, mid-day and small-day. From ten-day to small, there are 40 miles, from ten-day to middle, and from ten-day to big, there are 80 miles. When I say ten days, I mean 300 big ten days, which is as big as 24 thousand Li! When its wings flap, it can fan the sea in half, and the dragon that should have died in the sea is exposed. It feeds on dragons; Over time, all kinds of dragons are almost finished. The Dragon King had no choice but to ask the Buddha for help. The Buddha took his cassock back to the dragon king and said to him,' So, so.' When the Dragon King returned to the Dragon Palace, he took the cassock apart and asked each dragon to tie the thread of the cassock. In this way, Dapeng golden-winged bird can't eat dragons. Because the Buddhist cassock is infinitely useful and can help the dragon escape from danger. But this time, it was the turn of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird to find Sakyamuni Buddha and say,' It's a good thing that you saved the dragon, but you starved all my birds! We can only eat dragons, and now there are no dragons to eat. What do we do? So the Buddha accepted the five precepts for this Dapeng golden-winged bird. The bird said,' I don't kill anything, but I have nothing to eat. I'm starving! Buddha said,' You won't starve to death. From now on, all my disciples will give you food at noon every day. Therefore, in the future, when the monk has lunch, he will recite the support mantra and then send something to eat to this Dapeng golden-winged bird. Since then, Dapeng Golden Winged Bird has accepted the five precepts, stopped killing, and became the dharma protector in Buddhism. Today, it belongs to the Eight Dragons, that is, one of the Eight Ghosts.
Gong Lu is from Master Xuanhua's A Brief Explanation of Guanyin Bodhisattva's General Product.