In the morning, I tried to unite the twelve imperial envoys of the Third Academy to approach the imperial court, but Huang Men did not avoid riding horses. If they stop, they will be surprised. Xiugu said, "According to the history of the previous dynasties, the imperial court respected the emperor." In the story, colleagues in three hospitals are the same as those who know all kinds of things. If this is the case, please pay our illegal handling fee. "When the emperor heard this, he made a decision. Yan Shu hit a man with water and knocked out his tooth. Xiugu played: "I was appointed as an assistant, and I learned the dharma, but I was so angry." "In ancient times, Sangong broke the rules and first removed Chen Shu from the list of Chinese books." Please give me an appropriate punishment so that we can have a fair discussion. "
Tian Jian Miao and others tasted the words, left the land for reference, and saw them in the daytime. Japanese officials were called together to take the exam. And play is to say that the earth stays and stays. No crime; It's too white to see you during the day, but it's not past noon. Chen Shun and others were punished for lying about the disaster. Hideyoshi said: "The Japanese official decision, hoping to please, is not credible." It's a trivial matter to punish Chen Shun and others today, but I'm afraid everyone will never dare to evade the important issues, kiss up to them, fish in troubled waters, and don't tell them if the weather changes, and the losses will be great. "In the forbidden area, jade feather is played as clothes, and it is called the city in South Vietnam. Repairing the ancient times means that people are seriously injured, and it is forbidden to pick hairs in Zhenzong. The story is not far away. Life is over. At that time, he advocated the construction of Baota Temple and discussed the construction of Jingu Temple, which was costly and necessary to restore ancient Chen Qi.
After a long time, I went out to learn about Zhangzhou, moved to Nanjian House and became a judge of Kaifeng House. In the calendar hall, Yuan Wailang, a history and criminal minister, who knows chores and has the same power, was sentenced to be a civil servant in the official department. Less than a month later, Liu Congde, the eldest brother of the Queen Mother, died and his marriage was recorded. As for dozens of fellow servants, Master Ma from Longtuge and a captain from Jixian County, they all left their official titles, and they made three chapters with Duan Shaolian, etc. The queen mother was angry and wrote a book in her chapter. The minister asked us to learn the ancient knowledge of Quzhou, and I was demoted. The queen mother thought the responsibility was light and her life was cut off by an official. She took Xiugu as the minister of the Ministry of Industry and sentenced Hangzhou to the same punishment. She didn't do this and changed her understanding of Xinghua Army. Will be pardoned and reinstated, pawn.
Establish an ancient dynasty, generous and noble in morality. When the Queen Mother came to Korea, everyone was afraid of using her power, but when she was in trouble, she said nothing and did nothing. No, many people cherish it. The family is poor and cannot be buried. Binzo paid 500 thousand. The entrusted woman cried bitterly and said to her mother, "Why bother my ancestors?" The pawn refused to accept it. When Empress Dowager Cixi collapsed, Di Si cultivated Gu Zhongyi, specially offered the right advice doctor, gave his family 200,000 yuan, and remembered his son-in-law Liu Xun as the supervisor. There are no children in ancient times, and brothers and fathers are the last.
Zhizhou was blocked and died in the chaos of agriculture. See The Legend of Loyalty and Righteousness. My brother is honest and self-reliant, and at the same time he is a scholar and has a sound village. He is a tired official and knows Shao. In the imperial history, Du Yan recommended him as an assistant to the imperial history. At the age of 20, he was appointed foreign minister, went out to know Shouzhou and moved to Quanzhou. If you miss your seat, take an official. I will know Jizhou in the future, but I won't. I write to the old man, but I don't listen. I was assigned to Nanjing, and it didn't take long for me to be an official. I was 5 1 year old. Zhang Dexiang showed his high position, but he also caught officials and pawns.
Cao Shi's self-study in ancient times can help him understand the news directly, so that his daughter will not be tired, and his official will die in pilgrimage. And his self-cultivation can also make him advance in the world, without waiting for his old age, and make the world wise.
2. Cao Xiugu read the answer Cao Xiugu, the word narrative, Jianzhou Jian' an people. He is honest, fearless in life, and never takes dignitaries as his eyes. One day, Cao Xiugu took a dozen colleagues to the early dynasty, and on the way, she met two eunuchs riding in front of her. Examiners are afraid of delaying the trial and ask them to make way temporarily. The two eunuchs not only refused, but swore. After the court, Cao Xiugu told Renzong about it: According to the previous history, the respect of Yushitai (the supervisory organ) is the respect of the emperor. Story, colleagues in the Third Hospital are the same as those who know chores. If so, please compensate.
Injong was deeply impressed and immediately ordered the punishment of the two eunuchs.
On another occasion, Yan Shu, a bachelor of Jixian Temple and an envoy of the Tang Dynasty, lost his temper and knocked out other people's teeth with a water board. A senior official like Yan Shu starts beating people, but no one dares to take care of it. Cao Xiugu doesn't care about this. He thinks this behavior is too rude and beneath his dignity. He advised the emperor: "I was appointed as an assistant and studied law from hundreds of ministers, but I died in a rage." In ancient times, the three fairs broke the rules and first removed Chen Shu from the list of books in China. Please punish me appropriately for public discussion.
Injong was only thirteen years old when he ascended the throne. The power of the imperial court is controlled by the queen mother, who uses it for herself. The ministers of the Qing Dynasty were jealous, but they were afraid to make suggestions. Cao Xiugu, however, regardless of his official position, talks loudly every time he meets an important event, never fearing or giving in. Later, she was dismissed because she wrote a letter asking the queen mother to return the state affairs to the emperor.
Cao Xiugu was an honest official all his life, and his family was rich. He didn't even have clothes to bury the body when he died. Colleagues and friends sighed for it, and everyone sent a sum of money to his home to support the funeral. Cao Xiugu's daughter cried and said to her mother, Why bother my ancestors?
She understands that her father is famous for his loyalty and integrity. How can he accept other people's property after death and defile his father's perfect character? The mother and daughter were in tears, and all those who declined politely were sincere. Although everyone repeatedly begged them to accept it, the mother and daughter never accepted a penny.
3. Reading classical Chinese, Cao Xiugu, described in words, Cao Xiugu, a Jian 'an native of Jianzhou, described in words, is a Jian 'an native of Jianzhou. He is honest, fearless in life, and never takes dignitaries as his eyes. One day, Cao Xiugu took a dozen colleagues to the early dynasty, and on the way, she met two eunuchs riding in front of her. Examiners are afraid of delaying the trial and ask them to make way temporarily. The two eunuchs not only refused, but swore. After the court, Cao Xiugu told Renzong about it: According to the previous history, the respect of Yushitai (the supervisory organ) is the respect of the emperor. Story, colleagues in the Third Hospital are the same as those who know chores. If so, please compensate.
Injong was deeply impressed and immediately ordered the punishment of the two eunuchs.
On another occasion, Yan Shu, a bachelor of Jixian Temple and an envoy of the Tang Dynasty, lost his temper and knocked out other people's teeth with a water board. A senior official like Yan Shu starts beating people, but no one dares to take care of it. Cao Xiugu doesn't care about this. He thinks this behavior is too rude and beneath his dignity. He advised the emperor: "I was appointed as an assistant and studied law from hundreds of ministers, but I died in a rage." In ancient times, the three fairs broke the rules and first removed Chen Shu from the list of books in China. Please punish me appropriately for public discussion.
Injong was only thirteen years old when he ascended the throne. The power of the imperial court is controlled by the queen mother, who uses it for herself. The ministers of the Qing Dynasty were jealous, but they were afraid to make suggestions. Cao Xiugu, however, regardless of his official position, talks loudly every time he meets an important event, never fearing or giving in. Later, she was dismissed because she wrote a letter asking the queen mother to return the state affairs to the emperor.
Cao Xiugu was an honest official all his life, and his family was rich. He didn't even have clothes to bury the body when he died. Colleagues and friends sighed for it, and everyone sent a sum of money to his home to support the funeral. Cao Xiugu's daughter cried and said to her mother, Why bother my ancestors?
She understands that her father is famous for his loyalty and integrity. How can he accept other people's property after death and defile his father's perfect character? The mother and daughter were in tears, and all those who declined politely were sincere. Although everyone repeatedly begged them to accept it, the mother and daughter did not accept a penny.
4. "Niu Huiju Jinshi" Classical Chinese Translation Niu Huikao is a scholar. After many promotions, he served as the official minister. During the years of Ganfu, the election of officials was out of control, and there were many cunning officials. Every year, 4,000 officials are selected to govern (this problem) with Niu Hui, putting an end to intercession and revitalizing the legal system.
Niu Hui's father, Niu Wei, went to a good place to avoid disaster. He fell ill on the way. Niu Hui and his son are carrying bamboo sedan chairs. When they passed the plank road, the robber hit him on the head and (Niu Hui) was covered in blood. He kept carrying the sedan chair. The robber chased after him. Niu Qiang saluted the robber and said, "Everyone has a father. Now my father is old and ill. I hope not to scare him. " The robber was moved by his words and stopped chasing. In the valley ahead, I met robbers again. Then (the robbers) said to each other, "This is a dutiful son!" The robber and Niu Hui carried the sedan chair together, let them (Niu Hui's family) live in their own home, presented cloth and silk to bind up the wound (Niu Hui's), and presented Niu Wei with thick porridge and soup, asking them to stay for two nights before leaving.
When he arrived in Liangdi, Niu Hui rushed to Shudi, where the son of heaven was located, to see the emperor and asked to go home to take care of his sick father. Just being awarded the post of remonstrator, he resolutely declined, met with the Prime Minister Du Rang-neng, and said, "The emperor is lucky that he is with him elsewhere, and his father has to wait on him when he is sick. Besides, my brother was an official in the imperial court. I asked to go back and seek medical advice for his father. " After his father died, Niu Hui lived in Liang and Han. After three years of mourning for his father, the court hired Niu Hui as the curator of the Chinese Library. Niu Hui refused to get sick and was later transferred to the activity site. Zhang Jun crusaded against Taiyuan and introduced Niu Hui as the judge. The emperor ordered local officials to urge Niu Hui to accept his post. Niu Hui sighed and said, "The royal family has just been restored and the national treasury has been exhausted. We should live in harmony with local governors and take them as a barrier, but we must continue to use troops. If the princes are not United with the imperial court, there will be worries. " Niu Hui refused to go to his post.
Zhang Jun was defeated, and the court recruited Niu Hui as its ambassador. Yang Fuguong rebelled against the imperial court in Shannan. Li asked the court to approve him to recruit against Yang Fuguong. Before the court could reply, he and Wang Xingyu sent troops without authorization. Zhao Zong was very angry, took the letter and refused to approve it. Ma Maozhen repeatedly asked, and the emperor called the ministers to discuss, but they were afraid to speak. Niu Hui said, "In the troubled autumn of the imperial court, Li did make a contribution. Now Yang Fuguong is relying on the army to make trouble, and Li is going to crusade against him. Lee's sin is that he didn't wait for the order. It is said that the soldiers of the two buffer regions killed innocent people. If we don't control them early, Liang Han people will be killed. Please ask the court to give Li a reward and explain the rules clearly, so that the army will be afraid. " The emperor said, "Yes."
So he gave it to Li and Li Pingding's rebellion, but he became more arrogant. The emperor sent Du Rang, the prime minister, to crusade, and Niu Hui remonstrated: "The land is the west gate of the capital. Lee became autocratic with his army. What if he (even to the imperial court) is one-tenth inferior and the majesty of the emperor is dampened? I hope to slowly restrict him. " The emperor didn't listen to advice.
When Li's army set out, Emperor Shi summoned Niu Hui and said, "Now we are attacking Li, and his army is a rabble. It is foolproof to defeat them. When do you think there will be good news? " Niu Hui replied: "My duty is to exhort. What I am talking about is the important truth about the army and the country. If you ask the date of putting down the rebellion, I hope your majesty will use divination to infer and blame the general. This is not my duty. " Soon, the imperial army was defeated.
The original text is as follows:
The emblem is a scholar, and I am tired of being a foreign minister in the official department. There are too many corrupt officials, and 4000 officials are transferred at the age of four. The emblem is just bright, the stick is dry, and the statutes are revived.
Father Wei took refuge in the beam and became ill. Hui Er helped the basket, crossed the pavilion road, stole his head, bled and guarded it. The thief forced him to worship his grandson: "Everyone has a father. Now, he is old and ill. Fortunately, there is no terror. " A sense of theft is the only way to stop it. When Qian Gu meets a thief again, he needs to tell him, "This dutiful son is also!" "* * * lift the jade house, wrap it in silk, and you will know that you can drink Wei and stay.
To the beam, the emblem belongs to Shu, and the beggar belongs to the sick. I will pay tribute to the doctor and make a firm statement. I saw the Prime Minister Du Rang-neng saying, "It's lucky to move up, to attend to my relatives' illness, and Brother Hui begged for medicine in the imperial court." Father's loss, guest beam, Han. After the funeral, he was summoned by Zhongshu, resigned and changed things. Zhang Jun attacked Taiyuan, was summoned as a judge, and was sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hui Taixi Heaven: "When the royal family resumed, the Tang Dynasty hid it and consumed it. Concord princes thought that princes, soldiers, and princes were centrifugal, and there would be worries afterwards. " Refuse to get up.
After the defeat, Yang Fuguong rebelled against Li in Shannan. I was summoned to ask for leave and was very angry with Wang Xingyu for sending troops to Zhaozong. I couldn't play with Mao Zhen's urgent request, and the emperor called ministers to discuss it, so I didn't dare to speak. Hui said, "How difficult it is for the royal family to make contributions sincerely. Today, if you are going to stop soldiers, it is a sin. It is said that there are many soldiers killed in the two towns. If we don't control them early, Liang Han's people will be exhausted. If you take time off to exercise restraint, the army will be afraid. " The emperor said, "Of course."
As a result, he was awarded a wool needle by soliciting customers and appealing, which made him meritorious, but he was relieved. The emperor ordered Du Rang, the prime minister, to punish the soldiers and admonish them, saying, "Qi, the country is the West Gate. Maozhen is violent because of his crowd. What can Qu Wei do if it is very unfavorable? May you succeed. " Don't listen.
After the teacher left, the emperor called the emblem again and said, "If you cut it with a wool needle today, if you are United, you will get everything." When are you going to win? " He said: "The minister's job is to remonstrate and argue. He said that the army is generally a soldier, such as the period of peace between thieves and robbers. I hope your majesty will blame the general and not the position of minister. " When the teacher was defeated.
(Excerpted from the 99th Biography of the New Tang Dynasty).
5. The full text translation of The Scholars:
Ju Yong took the Jinshi exam and was appreciated by Wang because of his literary talent. After Wang took charge of Hangzhou (magistrate of a county), Ju Yong was promoted to Jinshi Ji, and was appointed as a judge of Dali after passing the examination (by the imperial court), taking charge of Renhe County in Hangzhou.
To be an official, Ju Yong first wrote a poem to Wang, thanking him for his usual cultivation, and (and) expressed his desire to be an official, hoping to have fun with Wang by writing a letter.
Wang didn't reply. When (Ju Yong) took office, (Wang) didn't give him any courtesy and was very eager to check his official duties. Ju Yong was very disappointed, so he no longer expected to get the knowledge of the king, but concentrated on political affairs.
Later, Wang was called into the imperial court to participate in politics. The first thing he did after taking office was to recommend Ju Yong. Someone asked him why, and (he) replied: "With great courage, you don't have to worry about being outstanding in the future.
What worries me is his arrogance. I deliberately suppressed him to achieve his virtue. "Juyong countries heard about this matter, only to regard the king as a person who really knows himself.
The two excerpts of Dong Xuanlu, written by Wei Tai, a Song Dynasty, tell the eternal story of Juyong and his mentor Wang in the early days of his official career in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Original text:
Ju Yong is a scholar. He is famous for his literature. And princes know Hangzhou, chant the first, interpret Brown as Dali, and know Renhe County of Hangzhou. To be an official, first send books and poems to the princes, and Xie Pingxi will reward them. Now I am an official, so I can enjoy my words.
The maharaja did not answer. I didn't pay attention when I arrived, so I was in a hurry to do my work. Bow your head and be disappointed. So I no longer want to know, but specialize in officials. Later, when the maharaja entered politics, he praised it first.
People may ask him why, and answer, "The talent of great courage is not a problem. Worried people are arrogant, and I suppress them. " When I heard about it, I began to understand the real situation of the princes.
Extended data:
Teacher-student friendship between Wang and Ju Yongshi in the Northern Song Dynasty Wang appreciates Ju Yongshi's talent, but in order to make him proficient in government affairs, guard against arrogance and rashness, he is strictly assessed in official duties.
He is strict with his lifestyle and has been promoted in due course. Wang's practice embodies the decent and responsible qualities that true friendship should have.
Character introduction:
1, Ju Yong, the word Yong Zhi, was born in Kaifeng, Northern Song Dynasty. Shangshu food department Shangshu Li, Guangnan transshipment ambassador. Ten-year-old lonely, eager to learn, eager to be independent. Take an examination of Jinshi, try to be a provincial school book lang and secretary of Qiantang County, and change it to Lang and Shanyin County.
2. Wang, in the second year of Taiping Xingguo (977), was sentenced to Changzhou with Jinshi as the judge of Dali. Move the prince to praise a good doctor and know the country of Lan. When Zhao Pu became prime minister, it was suggested that sudden hiring was not conducive to governance, and Huainan was our judge.
Writers work, move to the right to pick up bones and recommend themselves. Song Taizong's recitation said: "A generous person is also a person who turns his own foundation into his own master." Call for experiments, know how to make patents, and discuss the power of the ancient scholar with the right.
One day, he waited in the temple and asked about border affairs. He said to him, "it is still difficult to plant trees to rule the world, and the suffering is not solid at all." If it is solid, the branches are not worried enough. If the court decides, why are you upset? " I also tried to recommend some people, dozens of people, including Wang Sizong, Xue Ying and Wang Geng.
At the beginning, Chai Yuxi was appointed as a Council member, and a slave received gold, but Yuxi didn't know it. Chen Shu, who is involved in politics, wants to be in China because of Yuxi. Emperor Taizong was furious and led the prisoners to inquire, which turned into a false accusation. Taizong realized that the foundation was the elderly. In Chunhua, I went to school. I know that officials from Beijing and North Korea are taking exams.
Assistant minister of relocation. During my three years on the road, I learned more about politics than ever before. In the fourth year of Xianping, Yangzhou was known to the ministers of the Ministry of Industry. Move to know the history of Henan Province and enter the Ministry of Rites. Dazhong Xiangfu lived for three years (10 10) at the age of 67. Give the right servant an injection. Here you are.
The author introduces:
Wei Tai was a scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty. The word Daofu comes from Xiangyang. Born into a family. Sister Wei is a famous poetess in the Northern Song Dynasty and the wife of Daoguo. The Prime Minister's brother-in-law, Ceng Bu, is an official. Since I was a child, I tried to be brave and bully the weak, and beat the examiner half to death in the examination room, so I failed the exam.
I've seen a lot, and I don't consider being an official. Humor, especially good at telling anecdotes about the ruling and opposition parties. Talking eloquently and laughing with others, no one can stop him. During the period of Hui Zong (1102-1110), Minister Zhang Dun praised his talents and wanted to take office, so he resigned.
Living at home in his later years, relying on the power of his brother-in-law, he was bullying in the countryside, and the city people were deeply dissatisfied. He also loves to trust other people's masterpieces, such as Zhang's masterpieces Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, All-Inclusive Tales, and Tired Travel.
Borrow Mei's masterpiece Yun Lan. There are 20 volumes of Stories of Lin Han's Seclusion, Poems of Lin Han's Seclusion 1 Volume, Notes of Dong Xuan1Volume.
6. The scholar Cui Shuju lived in the side for half a year.
Chu Cui Shu lived in Jinshi, stayed at the border for half a year, and stopped at Haijia. He was very ill. He said to Cui Yue, "He cares about you, but he doesn't care about foreigners. Now he can't afford to get sick and can't get rid of the funeral. Can you finish it? " Cui said, "There is a pearl worth ten thousand tons, which is really a rare treasure. Dare to be a gentleman. " Cui accepted. Waiting for no one, put them in coffins and bury them in buildings.
Cui Shu applied for Jinshi, lived in Yizhou for half a year, and lived with a businessman who ran overseas. The man was very ill. He said to Cui Shu, "I am lucky to be taken care of by you. Don't despise me because I am a foreigner from afar. I'm afraid my illness doesn't work now. People far away attach importance to burial. If I die, can you treat me like I finally did? " Cui Shu promised him. He said, "I have a gem worth thousands of dollars. This is a very precious treasure, and now I take the liberty to give it to you. " Cui Shu accepted. When no one is waiting, put the jewels in the coffin and bury them in the ground.