When the emperor saw it, he went to the prison and saw that the door was locked and he went into the sinus. He was heartbroken and shouted, "Are the Queen and Liangdi all right? Is Ann here now? " They both said, "I have given up my sin as a maid, so can I be honored?" Tears and sobs. Then he said, "Your Majesty is fortunate to have forgotten the past and brought my concubine back from the dead to see the sun and the moon again. This is a' return home'. " The emperor said, "I'll deal with it at once." When the marquis of Wu learned this, he urged them to call a hundred sticks, cut off their hands and feet, and threw them into the urn, saying, "Get these two bones drunk!" " Dead for a few days, just a corpse. At the beginning, the imperial edict arrived, and then he bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, ten thousand years!" If I show my gratitude, I will share it when I die. "In the good house, he scolded 1," Wu Shi is sycophantic, that's all! "I want to become a cat, turn Wu into a mouse, and I want to strangle him. "Hearing this, I told the sixth house not to have a cat. After the Wu Dynasty, it was common for two people to be beaten bloody and hated it. I thanked them with a witch's wish, that is, I moved to Penglai Palace and saw Li Fu again, so I stayed in Dongdu more. Zhongzong acceded to the throne, and all restored their surnames. Emperor Taize Tianshun, the holy queen Wu Shi, was born in Wenshui, Bingzhou. Father, see "Biography of Consoles". After the death of Empress Wende, Emperor Taizong was called a talented person for a long time. Mother Yang cried bitterly and said, "The son of heaven knows that it is not a blessing, so why should the son be worried?" "Mom's heart stopped crying. When I met the emperor, I was given the title of Wu Mei. The Emperor Beng and the Imperial Palace are monks. When Emperor Gaozong was a prince, he entered the service and welcomed him. Xiao Shufei was lucky because the queen had no children for a long time, but she was very unhappy. One day, the emperor passed by the Buddha's residence, and people could not cry until they saw it. The emperor was moved. After knowing the shape, he led it to the inner harem to tease the princess.
Talented people have the right to count, and bullies are not poor. At the beginning, I resigned from my post and was happy afterwards. With the praise of the emperor, I entered Zhaoyi. Once GuXing is behind Xiao, sleeping and sleeping are not harmonious. After sex is simple and heavy, it doesn't matter. Mother Liu sees that his wife is still in the palace and there is no floating ceremony. Therefore, what is thin after Zhao Yi's service must be settled, paid and left. What the queen and princess do will be won and heard, but it is not right. Gave birth to a girl, then she took care of it, went to it, dived and killed her son, and waited for the emperor. Yang said happily that she took care of her son and died. He asked left and right in shock, and they all said, "Come back later." Zhao Yi wept bitterly, but the emperor could not observe. He said angrily, "after killing my daughter, I went to have sex with the princess, and now I am evil!" " Therefore, Zhao Yi was admitted to the throne without any self-explanation afterwards, but the more the emperor believed in love, the more he abandoned it. For a long time, I wanted to be the title of "Chen Fei". I waited on Yuan and Minister China of China and South Korea and said, "There are many concubines, so don't be a title now." Zhao Yi is a fake queen who hates winning with her mother. The emperor regrets the former, so he wants to abolish it. Sun Chang, Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Han Yuan and Ji Ji were all dying, but the emperor hesitated. Li Yifu and Wei Xu in Zhongshu were in danger. The situation was that they asked Zhao Yi to be the queen, and the emperor decided to abolish it. Li Ji and Yu Zhining were made queens, and the minister of ceremonies was ordered to keep the righteous gate behind the house, and the inner and outer attendants entered the court. From now on, the queen of Korea began.
Later, when I met the ancestral temple, I gave the scholar to Stuart, Duke Zhou, Zhongxiao, and ate the temple with Gaozu. The female poplar, then the wife of Daiguo, ate thousands of households in Wei. After that, the consorts' precepts were formulated and presented to the dynasties to explain the ridicule. So I chased Wuji, got better, died, and I was shocked. It is not shameful to be soft and unyielding after being shrewd. In order to achieve great things, the emperor said that he could serve himself, so he decided to discuss it. I achieved my goal, that is, stealing Fu Wei, giving without fear, avoiding it, and the emperor was also confused by Confucianism. I can lift my arm and clamp my arm, so I can't specialize. It will be a little uneven after a long time. At the beginning of Linde, alchemist Guo Xingzhen was later called into the forbidden area to pray, but was sent by official Wang Fusheng, and the emperor was furious. Because his name was Shangguan Yi, assistant minister of the Western Pacific, he was arrogant after speaking and lost hope in the sea. He can't inherit the ancestral temple, which is in line with the emperor's wishes, but it's interesting to let the grass go to waste. He appealed to the left and right, and then he sued himself to the emperor. The emperor shrank back in shame, and was as good as ever, saying, "Shangguan Yi taught me!" " Satire Xu Yes, kill him.
At the beginning, Yuan Zhi's uncle and minister wrote a letter not to read the old tomb, saying the word, observing the punishment, and then the political wife built the house and the son of heaven handed it over. The imperial court ministers and the Quartet memorials are all called "two saints". Every time I look at the court, the curtain hangs in the temple, and the emperor and queen sit next to each other, living and dying, with clear rewards and punishments. In forbearance, although there is a lot of love, there is also a lot to hide. The emperor was ill at night, the wind was exhausted, and everything in the world was rewarded. Later, it was a peaceful civilization, with a large number of books in the Confucian Forbidden Hall and more than a thousand books, such as Biography of Lienv, Official Track and New Commandments of Liao Bai and Le Shu. Because the bachelor's secret rule can be discussed, the power of the prime minister is divided.
At first, the scholar married Richter and gave birth to Yuan Qing and Shuang Yuan. He also married Yang and gave birth to three daughters: Bo married the flea widow Helan Yueshi and married a Korean wife; After the second level; Before Ji married Guo and died. After Yang died, he became more and more popular and moved to. Wei Liang's brother, Huai Yun, and Yang and Bo met first, but none of them had titles. Yes, Yuan Qing, yes, yes, Lieutenant Shaofu, but the Zizhou secretariat of Liang Siwei and Huai Yun. A few days ago, my wife got drunk when she bought wine, saying that Wei Liang said, "What should I do when I remember the date?" What do you mean now? "Yes, he said," Fortunately, the son of a hero is in the imperial court, and his life is late, so he is worried but not honored. "The lady was angry, and after the irony, she pretended to give in. Please wait for Liang to move out, and don't have private affairs in the open air. Yes, the only good thing is the secretariat of the first state; Longzhou Yuan Qing; Shuang Yuan, Haozhou and Russia are in a state of death. I'm worried to death about Zhou. South Korea entered and exited the Forbidden City, and a woman was favored by the emperor. One of South Korea's minions, a woman named Mrs. Wei, wants to prepare for her post, but it is difficult to decide. After the taboo, I sealed Mount Tai, but Liang and Huai Yun got together with their mother-in-law. After returning to the capital, he poisoned Wei, and only Liang was to blame. I will kill them all, I will say "Fu" and worship with the Korean people. When Min died, he was hanged. The emperor was afraid, but Min's crying was wrong. Later he said, "You doubt me! "Evil. I was demoted to death. In the first year of Xianheng, Yang moved to Wei, died, chased Lu, recalled loyalty and heroism, called the fifth-class relatives of civil servants above the ninth grade and foreign domestic helpers to hang, buried Xianyang with Wang Li, and gave them swords, sticks and advocacy. Don't avoid the position behind the fake watch when you are dry. Russia also named Prince Qiu Qiu the king of Taiyuan County and Lady Lv Zhonglie the princess.
In the first year of shangyuan, after entering the number, I made twelve suggestions: first, persuade farmers to be generous; Second, give three auxiliary bits; Third, stop fighting and moralize the world; Fourth, it is forbidden for the north and the south to be smart; Fifth, labor-saving and labor-saving; Sixth, strict light path; 7. Dewey's mouth; Eight, princes will learn from Laozi; Nine, the father served Cui Zi for his mother for three years; Ten, before the yuan dynasty, the hero has been given up, not after the nuclear; Eleven, kyou-kan eight products or more benefit sharing; Twelve, officials have a long tenure, and those with high qualifications have to apply for advanced detention. Xiao Fei's daughter Yiyang and Princess Xuancheng, who were executed by the emperor, stayed in a secluded courtyard for forty years. When Prince Hong spoke to the emperor, he was furious and killed Hong. The emperor put the imperial edict behind him, and the prime minister Hao argued, which is the end. Later, he wanted to show off his generosity and steal people's hearts, so he said, "Now ministers are paying half a salary, and the people are counting on money to support the border soldiers. I'm afraid the quartet will tell the truth, so please take a break. " Coco Zhao
In the third year of Yifeng, the ministers and barbarians retreated behind the Guang Shun gate. That is, Taiyuan County King Temple was built in Bingzhou. The emperor was dizzy, so he and Qin said to the two doctors, "Go against the wind and the blood on your head can be cured." Fortunately, the emperor was in danger and had to specialize. I was very angry and said, "You can behead me, but the emperor would rather kill blood." The doctor nodded and asked for help. The emperor said, "Can you commit a crime by treating a disease?" I am dazzled. Listen to it! "The doctor stabbed again, and the emperor said," My eyes are sharp! Before he finished, Hou Lian thanked him again and said, "God-given teacher! "Give it with a Bora.
When the emperor collapsed, Zhongzong ascended the throne, and the Queen Mother called the Queen Mother, the imperial edict was heard and the army decided. In the year of Shengyuan, the Empress Dowager abolished the emperor as King Luling, and came to Korea to make Zong Rui the throne. After the emperor was seated in Wucheng Hall, he led his ministers to write a letter. Three days later, the queen mother came to the porch and ordered the minister of rites to take pictures of Qiu Wuchengsi and Tai Changqing, and take pictures of Sikong Wangdezhen as the heir of the emperor. Naturally, the Empress Dowager often served in the Imperial Palace, waiting on the mourning and urging the purple tent. After posthumous title, the fifth ancestor, Wei Sanqi often posed as Duke Lu, and Yan Pei was the wife of his country. Sima Ju of Yinzhou, Emperor Gaozu, was often the king of Beiping County and Princess Liu Wei. Great-grandfather proposed to join the army, and offered Jizhou Secretariat Jane as King Taiwei of Jincheng County and Cong Song as Princess. Zu hence made Cheng, and gave Bing the secretariat, the commander-in-chief of Huawei, the king of Taiyuan County, and made Zhao a princess. All of them are located in Garden City, with 50 households. It was tested as a surname and Wang Wei, with more than 5,000 military households, and Yan was a princess, guarding more than 100 households. Although history was established, it was jailed, while Zhu Wu was good at dealing with people. He also called Lu Guogong Jing and Jing's wife. The king of Beiping county is called Gong Su, the king of Jincheng county is called Yi Kang, the king of Taiyuan county is called An Cheng, and the princess is married. The Queen Mother sent a messenger to the Wucheng Hall, and an emissary to the deliberation room of the Fifth Hall.
So Liu Zhou Sima Li Jingyie, Kuo Cang Qi Zhi, Lin Haibin and the Empress Dowager were so angry that they recruited soldiers and killed Shi Jingzhi, the Yangzhou satrap. According to the country, they wanted to meet King Lu Ling, and the crowd reached100000. Chu Sima Li Chongfu Lian River. Liu Xing, a Xuyi native, refused to follow the example of Baby City and was bent on attacking it. The Empress Dowager worshipped the guerrilla general, and her younger brother made a report on Chuzhou Secretariat. Dedicated to crossing the river to take Runzhou and kill the secretariat, but Alingyin refused to die. The Queen Mother appointed Li Xiaoyi, the avant-garde general of Zuo Prime Minister, as the general manager of Yangzhou Road March, leading 300,000 soldiers and winning the battle of Gaoyou. Striker Zuobao Yicheng Saburo was killed by Tang. Zuo Ying general Yang Wei's black tooth Chang Zhi is also the general commander of the Jiangnan Road March, and he joined hands. Dedication promotes defeat in March, spreading the words of "East Capital" and "Three States Peace".
At first, Wu asked Empress Dowager Cixi to set up seven temples, and the secretariat ordered Pei Yan to stop. He devoted himself to his work. He went to prison, killed him, and killed Cheng Wuting, the general of Zuo Weiwei. One day, behind the Thai platform, I called the courtiers and said, "I am innocent on earth." What if we know? " Princes are very passive. The Queen Mother said, "I have assisted the first emperor for more than 30 years, worrying about the country and the people. Rich in titles, I also; Peace in the world, I support it. The first emperor abandoned his ministers and trusted his country. I dare not love my body, but I know my lover. Today, all military leaders are generals. What do you think is negative? And it is difficult to do it under the care of the old minister. What about Pei Yan? If Xu Jingye can close the desperate world? Can veterans be as good at fighting as Cheng Wuting? They are all rich people, which is not good for me. I can kill them. Only the public has had it, and fleas have had it. " Otherwise, I would rather serve you than make the world laugh. "Ministers nodded, did not dare to look up and said," only your majesty orders. "
For a long time, if Yang recovered. Zong Rui has no feelings, so please come to North Korea to make it possible. It is a copper smelting room, which is called "Yan En" in the East and enjoys itself. In the south, some people say that "remonstrance" is lost by current politics; In the west, when I say "rehabilitate", I am restricted to speak my mind. In the north, it is called "Xuan Tong", which is a secret policy. A letter from the book door to the official code collar.
Empress Dowager Cixi spared no expense in the title and helped herself in arrogance. Although she is a fool, what she said is right, and she is incompetent. She discovered and abolished many things, so she made good use of the real thing. I'm also afraid of rebellion in the world. I will change the imperial edict, give it five grains of credulity, and send it to the capital. Call me that day and give me a thick bait. No matter what you say, officials can't quarrel. Although Yunfu's husband and son will definitely see him in the future, they will visit the guest house. Take it if you dare, or take it if you don't send it. Therefore, all the people who changed it were from all over the world, and everyone held their breath and dared not discuss it.
Xinfeng Mountain stood out because of the earthquake. The Queen Mother thought it was beautiful, so she exempted its county and renamed it Qingshan. Man Jing Yu Wenjun said: "If people are not harmonious, warts will be born; If the land is not harmonious, it will accumulate. " Now that your majesty is in Yang's position, the mountain has become a disaster. This is not a celebration. "The queen mother was furious and threw herself into the mountain.
Wrote a letter to destroy Gan Yuan's palace as a hall, and Xue Huaiyi was the ambassador. Huaiyi, a dead man, Ben Shi Feng, a famous Bao Xiao, is a staunch prostitute, pretending to be crazy in Luoyang City, and his daughter Princess won it. The Lord said, "Bao Xiao can serve." After the call, please speak to private. If you want to hide your eyes and ears, you have to go out of the country, make all kinds of dharma stupas, and worship the Lord of the White Horse Temple. Zhao told Xue Shao, the son-in-law of Princess Taiping, to show his respect for his father. For stable horses, middle officials are servants. Although he inherited and thought twice, he respected things. Protection, tens of thousands of soldiers, giant tree rate of one thousand people. After the hall of fame, there is heaven, followed by Li Hong's sagittal brain. Cheng Tang, thank General Zuo Weiwei and Liang Guogong. Initiate the first temple in Xijing and enjoy the Wu family. Inheriting the fake Luoshui Stone, he was guided as the emperor, and Tang Tongtai, a Yong man, presented it, and later named it "Tuotu" and became a guerrilla general of Tongtai. So the people went to Ruishi again, the Queen Mother worshipped the suburban gods, named the Virgin Jade Emperor as the jade emperor seal, changed the treasure map to "God-given sacred map", named Luoshui as Yongchang Water, the map as Shengtuquan, and the stone altar as "God-given sacred chart", and changed Lishui into Guangwu. With the handle in the hands of the royal family, ministers could not succeed to the throne, and the imperial clan had nowhere to live. Therefore, North Korea's Wang Yuanjia and others sought to send troops to sing the world and welcome back to Zhongzong. Chong Wang and Wang Zhen, evil spirits, started first, but those who failed in a hurry were defeated. Yuanjia and Wang Lu Lingkui both committed suicide, and the rest were sentenced. All kings are involved in death, and their children and grandchildren are also in Lingnan. The Empress Dowager paid homage to Luo, and the Emperor of Heaven led the princes, ministers, barbarians, rare birds and animals, tributes and halogen books to the altar.
In the first year of Yongchang, he enjoyed the Vientiane shrine, changed his clothes into a crown, entrusted Da Gui, returned to the truth, and presented Rui Zongya, which was finally presented by the prince. Worship heaven and earth together, with five emperors and hundreds of gods, with Gaozu, Taizong and Wang Wei as the protector. Class 9, train hundreds of officials. So I cooked a big meal for the ministers. No, it's Empress Dowager Cixi. Take Wenshui Tomb as Zhang Deling and Xianyang Tomb as ming tomb. Zhou Wang is the king of Taiyuan, Wei Yikang is the king of Jincheng, Su Gong is the king of Beiping, and Lu Gong is the king of Taiyuan.
When I was in junior high school, I also liked Vientiane Shrine. Empresses Itumu and Wende are matched with the emperor, and Empress Zhou is matched. Left,,,,,,,,,,? There are two articles, ш, ч and ю. The Queen Mother named herself. Change the imperial edict into a book. Zhou and Bill Han came second, Yu, Xia and Yin came third, except Tang. Worship general Xue Huaiyi, seal Hubei Gong, and write "The Great Cloud Sutra" with Qunta, saying that the Jade Emperor was ordered to handle affairs. Li Siwen, an official in the Spring and Autumn Period, said cunningly: "Wu Zhou Cheng is an article that says' Governing the world by hanging down the arch', which is a symbol of command." After the fun, all classes showed the world a little revolution. But if you are afraid of people and refuse to attach it, you will endure harm and kill the world. Dozens of internal cruel officials such as Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen kissed their paws. People who are not afraid of it will be in danger. Hou Wang's family and other ministers are dying, and their families can't protect themselves. Empress Dowager Cixi sat in a heavy chair, but the life of the country moved.
Fu Youyi led the elders in Shanhaiguan to invite revolution and changed the emperor's family into a military force. He also threatened ministers to ask for it, saying that the phoenix would gather in the Yang Palace and the cardinals would see the court. The son of heaven is not at ease. Please show me your martial arts. The queen mother knew that the power was in her own hands, and because of the Amnesty, she changed her name to Zhou, calling herself the Holy Spirit Emperor, raising the red flag and taking the Emperor as her heir. All seven temples in Wu are built in China. Honored as Wendi, the ancestor, and Wending Queen; King Wu is Emperor Kang, with the name of Rui Zu, and the queen is subordinate to Yue Kanghui; King Jing of Taiyuan proclaimed himself emperor and was named Yanzu, known as the Empress of Chengzhuang. Zhao Sugong is the emperor of Zhang Jing, named Su Zu, and called Zhang Jing the queen. King Wei Yikang is Emperor Zhao 'an, with a strong title, and is known as Queen Zhao 'an. Zu Zhou 'an became the King of Wenmu, with the title of Xianzu and the title of Wenmu Queen. Emperor Kao was the filial piety emperor, and was named Mao, and was called the filial piety queen. Let's just call Tang Temple the Temple of Appreciating Virtue. There are three rooms below Gaozu in Four Seasons Temple, and the rest are not enjoyed. To the day, worship the Vientiane shrine, with ancestors and Kao Yu as partners and 100 gods as followers. Do your best. Zhao Bingwen Shuijun, Xing Wu, is better than Han Feng and Pepe, and the people are all over the world. The ancestors were buried as Deling, Ruizu as Overseas Chinese Mausoleum, Yanzu as Ling Jie, Suzu as Jianling, Ancestors as Jingling, Xianzu as Yongling, Zhang Deling as Ling Hao, and Ming Yiling as Shunling.
Although the emperor is high in spring and autumn, he is good at painting himself, although he is not aware of his decline. I was born with two teeth, and I changed my life into a long life. Next year, we will enjoy the shrine, make our own music, and use 900 dancers, with Wu as the dedication, and consider twice as the final dedication. The emperor is the heir of the emperor, and officials often see him. They will pay homage to the generals Pei Thief, Ashina, Bai Jianfu Guo Yi Xue Daxin, and the jailer general Fan Yunxian, all of whom have halved the city, and officials will no longer pay homage.
If there is a seal saying that there is rebellion in Lingnan, the Queen Mother will send the right station to supervise the suggestion and press it, and the truth will be settled. When Guo Jun arrived in Guangzhou, he tried his best to invite people to die, but they all refused to accept the wailing. Guo Jun's energy made it impossible to escape, killing more than 300 people a day. It is a fake drama that makes people complain. Please note that it has been deleted. So the Queen Mother sent Cao Junyi, the right-back to join the army. Liu Guangye, the judge Wang Deshou, Bao Sigong, the director of Yuannan, Wang Dazhan, the director of Shangzhi, and Wei Quzhenyun, the right-back army, all took photos of the empire and sent them to Jiannan, Qianzhong and Annan. Guo Jun left Taiwan to serve the empire. Light industry etc. I also hope to make some contributions to the world, and there are few people who are afraid of killing. Light industry killed 900 people, Deshou killed 700 people, and the rest did not lose 500 people. Empress Dowager Cixi knew her grievances long ago and ordered the victims to return home in six ways. Guo Jun and others died at the same time, and everyone saw something of Liu Yun.
Empress Dowager Cixi also added the Golden Wheel Holy Spirit Emperor, and placed seven treasures in the court: Golden Wheel Treasure, White Elephant Treasure, Female Treasure, Horse Baby, Jewelry, Chief Warrior Treasure and Chief Treasurer Treasure. If you lead a big court, you will be honored. He also respected his ancestors as Emperor Wenmu and Mao as the most filial emperor. After two years' delay, Wu Sansi led the barbarian leaders and elders, namely Empress Ji, to make contributions to the Tang Dynasty. Let Yan Na Yao Ai defend his works. It is a combination of copper and iron. It is called "Celebrating Shu Tian in Big Week" and placed outside the terminal door. If it is made of columns, it is 150 feet high and has eight sides, each of which is five feet apart. It is made of iron, surrounded by bronze dragons and stone monsters. Clouds around the top of the column produce big beads, which are tall and surrounded by three. Pack four jiaozi, and stand on two feet to bear the beads. Its toe mountain circumference 170 feet, with an inclination of 20 feet. Indiscriminate use of copper and iron 2 million Jin. It is worth noting that the ministers of the group and the chiefs of the country are famous.
Xue Huaiyi's pets declined slightly, while doctor Shen Nan entered with expectation. Because of the fire, the queen mother was ashamed and couldn't hide it. Being pregnant in January is very arrogant. It was in the temple where Princess Taiping chose a healthy wife that the great craftsmen Wang Wuyouning and Zong Jinqing were ordered to lead the strong men to kill her and send the body back to Baima Temple. With a sense of justice and gratitude, I was angry for a while, and my followers broke the law. Feng Si, the imperial adviser, broke up his traitor, was angry with righteousness, hit a wall in all directions, and was ordered to control Europe. After several deaths, he dared to speak. Silent drink made jam, worship Xin Ping, cutting inverse, north road manager, such as 18 soldiers to attack hu, prime minister Li Zhaode, Su Weidao with long history, syma. After being rejected and entered the Forbidden City, thousands of young people who support Yin, like pagodas, have a reverse plan. Zhou, an imperial envoy, asked for medical treatment. The queen mother said, "When I come out first, I'll send you to prison." After sitting on the platform for a while, I chose less. Righteously, I got angry with Ma Zaoting, sat down on the couch, told all the officials to resign, and righteously rode on the horse. On hearing this, the Queen Mother said, "That Taoist priest is crazy, and he can't be cured, forcing young people to listen to poverty." Beware of ugly people. Russia with a sense of justice exempts officials.
The Empress Dowager worships the Southern Suburb and marries the King of Literature, the Scholar Sui. Jia Mu Shu Tian Jin Lun Emperor Shen Sheng. Therefore, Songshan was appointed emperor and Zen Shao Shi, and the God of Shushan was appointed queen. There is a big mistletoe in the south of the altar. It forgave Kaya Hioki Chicken and named it "Golden Rooster Tree". Self-made "telling stories in the middle of climbing" is carved on a stone. It was changed to a palace, and the Kyushu tripod was cast, and each of China and Korea. He also collected all the gold in the world as a big instrument clock. For a long time, Chongxian Hall has been regarded as a hall of worship and the grand ceremony as an ancestral hall.
Fortunately, Chang Zong is in charge, and there are supervisors, engineers, main books, clerks, etc. Who supervises three things to make it easy. Because the queen mother saw that the prince of Wu was not interested in the world, the former emperor zhongzong came back from Zhou Fang and became the crown prince again. She was afraid that after she was 100 years old, she would become come to a bad end, the imperial clan of the Tang Dynasty, and lead the military commander, Xiang Wang and Princess Taiping to swear to heaven and earth that she would keep the history museum. Turn Ling Hao department into a dragon climbing platform. For a long time, I took the crane control as Tianji Building and changed it to Chen Fu Building. I ordered the suspension of supervision. As a doctor in Chen Fu, I controlled the crane from left to right, which was easy to recover.
In the first year of Shenlong, the empress dowager was ill for a long time and lived in Yingxian Academy. Prime Minister Zhang Jian consulted with Cui Xuan (Mu Wei) and invited Zhongzong to lead troops to attack Yizhi and Changzong, so General Li Duozuo and other handsome soldiers entered Xuanwu Gate and cut two pieces in the courtyard. When the Queen Mother heard about this change, Huan went in and asked for an audience. The queen mother went back to bed and said nothing. Zhongzong then acceded to the throne. When the Empress Dowager moved to Yang Palace, the emperor led hundreds of officials to observe the wind and ask about their daily life, and then led them to Yi Palace on the 10th, where they looked forward to the new moon and the new moon. Abandon the official, choose Wushi Temple as Chongzun Temple, or Chongen Temple, and restore the ancestral hall to the Tang Dynasty. The king of the armed forces, the salt noble. I was 8 1 year old, and then I collapsed. It was named Queen Mother of Great Sage and returned to the emperor. Joe said that after the Great Sage, you will have to be buried in the mausoleum.
Wu Sansi will be steamed and reused. So there was a drought and prayed for rain. Think twice about the imperial edict to worship the temple of grace, such as the ancestral hall, and Zhai Lang uses five products. Dr. Yang said: "The prince of the ancestral temple won the seventh prize, and now he has won the fifth prize for his kindness." The emperor said, "Is the ancestral temple as respectful and kind?" Fu said, "I respect the private affairs of the ancestral hall, but I approve the rebellion of the monarch, and I approve the rebellion of the monarch." It's a stop. After Wei and Wu Dangzhu wrote to the Queen of Heaven, they re-titled and abolished Chongen Temple and Mausoleum. In the first year of Jing Yun, the Great Sage Queen was given the title. Princess Taiping raped the imperial court and asked the official of Erling to be reinstated, honoring the queen as the Empress of Heaven and Russia. Taiping Zhu, emperor, was restored as the king of Taiyuan county, followed by the tombs of Princess, Ba Hao and Shun. In the fourth year of Kaiyuan, the title of the country succeeded the emperor. Taichangqing Jiang Zan suggested: "Then the emperor should be accompanied by the Emperor Gaozong Hall, and the theme is' Heaven Emperor Restores Heaven Emperor'. If it is not true, please change the title to "Emperor of Wu Hou". Go ahead.