During the Warring States period, benevolence and righteousness declined, and treachery and fallacy prevailed. The strong win by force, and the weak are bullied because they are not treacherous enough. Some people will even get millions of dollars for planning half a plan, and they will be rewarded with jewels when they come up with an idea. Some officials came on foot and seized power. They took off their straw clothes and were promoted to Qing Xiang. Scholars try their best to defend themselves with rhetoric, because the fundamental point is that they can gain self-interest, so everyone does not agree with them. Since then, people's hobbies have advocated mutual substitution. With the changes of the times, that kind of wind can't stay, and that kind of ills can't be redeemed.
By the time Emperor Gaozu pacified the world by force, a large number of brave men appeared, with loose national laws and regulations and simple and loose etiquette regulations. Everyone has inherited the custom of the Four Gentlemen of the Warring States Period. Everyone has the idea of overstepping the monarch, despising life and death, and attaching importance to loyalty. It is bound to be rewarded to complain about others. Laws and regulations were formulated and implemented in individuals' homes, power fell into the hands of humble civilians, and heroic deeds formed the atmosphere at that time. From the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, a large number of people who advocated Confucianism and carried classics with them met, resulting in disputes and arguments in Shiqu Pavilion, local attacks between schools, and people who danced with each other for a period of time. Under the deliberate cover of Wang Mang, he finally usurped the political power. Loyal people are ashamed of being appointed, so they are proud of living in seclusion and living in poverty. Even though the national movement was destined to revive and Liu Han was in power again, people still maintained a clean and honest life, admired each other, learned more, and refused to be an official.