How to do a good job in jade sales skills
Carnegie said, "One of the weaknesses of human nature is that people like to be praised." Everyone will think that he will brag. If salespeople can make good use of customers' psychology, they can successfully approach customers, and it is easy to get customers' goodwill when they start selling with praise, and the hope of successful sales will be greatly increased. Of course, praising the other person is not a good word. Just a few words of praise is enough, but improper methods will backfire. Therefore, when the salesman uses the method of praise, he must look at the goal, understand the situation, choose the right time and praise appropriately. At the same time, your praise should be sincere, so that customers can feel that your praise is from the heart. Praise is one of the most important sales skills. If you study hard, practice hard and make good use of this skill, you are sure to get more and more orders.