What contribution have Arabs made to the development of world civilization?
Arabs shuttle between three continents, transporting spices such as pepper and cinnamon from the east and luxury goods such as jewelry and silk from western Europe. China's compass, papermaking, gunpowder and firearms, India's sugar, rice, cotton and other crops also spread to Europe, and at the same time, ten digital symbols created by ancient Indians also spread to Europe, known as Arabic numerals. They brought China knowledge of Arabic astronomy and medicine, as well as Islam and Islamic culture. They have built a bridge of cultural exchange between different civilizations and promoted the cultural and economic development of these areas. At the same time, Arab scholars have made great contributions to the development of world culture. They translated and preserved many Greek works, presenting the glory of ancient culture to western Europeans again. They also created a complete algebra. In medicine, Latsis's "Medical Integration" and ibn sina's "Medical Code" have been translated into Latin and have long been regarded as authoritative works by European medical circles.