Wang Wen and crow head love each other very much. In the evening, the crow head said to the king, "I am a dirty woman with fireworks, and I am not worthy of you." Since we are in love, this feeling is heavy. But, Mr. Lang, you have done everything for the happiness tonight. What will you do tomorrow? "Wang Wen was so sad that he burst into tears. The crow head said, "Don't worry. I got caught in the dust, but I really don't want to. I just haven't met an honest man like you who can entrust me with my life. If you are interested, let's escape together at night! Wang Wen was very happy. He quickly stood up! The crow also looked up and listened to the midnight drums upstairs. Crow head hurriedly disguised as a man, and the two left in a hurry and knocked on the door of the hotel. Wang Wen had brought two donkeys and ordered his servant to leave at once on the pretext that he had something urgent to go out. The crow's head tied two symbols to the servant's back and the donkey's ear, so he let go of the reins and let the donkey gallop away. The speed is so fast that people can hardly open their eyes and only hear the wind whistling behind them.
At dawn, they arrived in Hankou and rented a room to live in. Wang Wen was very surprised. The crow head said to him, "I'm telling you, you're not afraid, are you?" I am not a man, but a fox. My mother is greedy, and I am beaten and scolded every day. I really hate her. Today, I finally got out of the pain. Hundreds of miles away, she won't find out, and we can live safely. "Wang Wen completely believes in the head of a crow and has no doubt about foxes and ghosts. He just said worriedly, "I'm really uneasy about your lotus-like beauty because my wall is empty." I am afraid that I will eventually be abandoned. " The head of the crow said, "Why worry about this? Now do a little business in the market and feed three or more people. You can sell the donkey as capital. Wang Wen opened a small shop in front of the door, selling wine and tea, waiting for busy entertainment. ":Crow's head sews shawls and embroiders purses at home. In this way, we can earn some surplus every day, and it is good for the family to eat and drink. A year later, you can still hire old maids and maids. Wang wen also doesn't need to work in person, just look after these guys.
One day, the crow's head suddenly became sad and said to Wang Wen, "There will be a disaster tonight. What should we do? " Wang Wen asked her what it was, and Crow Head said, "Mom got my letter. She insisted on coming and forced me to go back. If it's from Steve's sister, I won't worry. I'm afraid she will come in person! " After the dead of night, crow head said happily, "Never mind. It's from my sister. " After a while, Steve pushed the door and came in. Crowhead greeted him with a smile. Nizi scolded: "Girl is not ashamed to run away with a man! My mother asked me to catch you. " He took out the rope and put it around the crow's head and neck. Crow head said angrily, "What's wrong with me being good friends with a man?" Hearing this, Steve became even angrier. He grabbed the crow by the head and tore at its skirt. Hearing the sound, maids and grandmothers swarmed. Steve got scared and ran out. The crow head said, "Sister Nizi goes back, and my mother comes to the door in person. That will be terrible! Hurry and find a way! " I quickly packed my bags and prepared to move further away. Just when I was in a hurry, my mother came in, full of anger and roared, "I knew this girl was rude and had to come in person!" " "Crow head quickly came forward and knelt down for mercy. Without saying anything, the old woman grabbed her hair and dragged her away. Wang Wen was so anxious that he didn't eat or sleep that he rushed to Liuhe to redeem the crow's head. Unexpectedly, when I got there, the brothel was still open, but all the people changed. Ask the people in the courtyard and say they don't know where they went. Wang Wen came back crying, sent his servant, packed his bags and returned to his hometown in Dongchang.
A few years later, Wang Wen happened to go to Yan Dou on business. When passing by the nursery, the servant saw a child of seven or eight years old, who looked like Wen. The servant was surprised and kept looking at it. Wang Wen asked the servant, "What are the children doing?" The servant answered with a smile. Wang Wen smiled when he saw it. A closer look shows that the child is very handsome; The other thinks that I don't have a son, because the child is very similar to myself, and I fell in love with him and saved him. Wang Wen asked his name, and the child said it was Wang Zi. Wang Wen was surprised and asked, "You were lost by your parents when you were breastfeeding. How do you still know your name? " Wang Zi said: "My nanny said: When she picked me up, there was a word on my chest that read' Son of Shandong Wang Wen'." Wang Wen was surprised and said, "I'm Wang Wen. What about the son? " I think it may be someone with the same name and surname. I am very happy and I love him very much. When I brought it back to my hometown in Dongchang, the people I saw knew it was Wang Wen's own son without asking.
Wang Zi gradually grew tall and strong, with a brave personality and great strength. He likes hunting and is good at fighting, but wang wen also can't control him. He also said that he could go to hell with the fox, but others didn't believe him. There happened to be a fox spirit in the village, so I invited him to have a look. When he went, he pointed to the hiding place of Fox Fairy and told some strong men to hit him on the finger. I only heard the fox scream, and my hair and blood fell out. Since then, the family has been quiet, and people are more surprised and admired for him.
One day, Wang Wen was wandering in the market and suddenly met Zhao Donglou, who was disheveled and gaunt. Wang Wen was surprised to ask where he came from. Zhao sadly asked for a quiet place to talk. Wang Wen invited him home, asked the servant to set the table, and the two chatted. Zhao said, "After the old woman caught the shark's head back, she hit it badly. And he touched Yan Dou, forcing her to marry someone else. The crow head refused, so the old woman locked her up. Later, Crowhead gave birth to a boy, and they were thrown into the alley as soon as they were born. I heard that the nursery has been connected and it's time to grow up. This is your descendant. " Wang Wen said tearfully, "God bless me, I found this evil son!" " "So I told the story again. He asked Zhao again, "How did you get to this point?" Zhao sighed. "Today, I realized that I fell in love with a brothel, so I shouldn't take it too seriously. There is nothing to say! "
It turns out that when my wife moved to Yan Dou, Zhao Donglou borrowed business to go with her. Difficult goods are sold at low prices in the local area, and the cost of eating and drinking along the way has already made him lose money. Steve is luxurious and exquisite, and he spends a lot of money. In a few years, even if he is rich, he is gone. The madam watched him day and night when she saw that he had no money. Steve often goes to Fugui's house and often doesn't come back for several nights. Zhao Donglou was angry, but he was helpless. One day, it happened that the lady was not at home, and the crow head stopped Zhao from the window and said, "There is no truth in brothels! They only love money. It' s troublesome to be reluctant to leave! " Zhao was scared, and this was a rude awakening. Before leaving, he secretly said goodbye to crow head. Crow Head gave him a letter and asked him to pass it on, so Zhao went home. Say, take out the letter and give it to Wang Wen. The letter said: "I heard that Zil has returned to your side. Dong Lujun will explain my sufferings to you in detail. I did evil in my last life. What can I say? I was trapped in a secluded room, which was dark. I was whipped all day, my skin was raw, my pain was unbearable, and my hunger was fried. It seems like a year has passed. If you haven't forgotten the scene of couples hugging and warming up in Hankou on a snowy night, I hope you can discuss it with your son and let him save me from my misery. Although the old mother and sister are cruel, they are still close relatives of the same flesh and blood. Please tell zil not to hurt their lives. This is my wish. "
Wang Wen couldn't help crying when he read the letter. Give Zhao Donglou some scattered money and send him home.
At this time, Wang Zi was eighteen years old. Wang Wen told the ins and outs and showed him his mother's letter. Wang Zi was so angry that he cried and went to Yan Dou that day. As soon as I got there, I asked about Mrs. Wu's residence, where there was traffic in front of the door. Wang Zi rushed in, and Steve was drinking with a Huguang businessman. When he looked up, he saw that it was Wang Zi, and his face changed at once. Wang Zi jumped on her and killed her. The guests were frightened and thought that a robber was coming; At first glance, Steve's body has turned into a fox. Wang Zi waved a knife and continued to rush in. Mrs Wu is urging the maid to make soup in the kitchen. No sooner had Wang Zi rushed to the door than the old woman suddenly disappeared. Wang Zi looked up and looked around, and immediately drew a bow and arrow and shot it at the beam of the roof. An arrow hit the old fox's heart, and the old fox fell down, so Wang Zi cut off its head. Then I found the place where my mother was trapped, picked up a big stone and smashed the door lock, and the mother and son burst into tears. The crow asked my mother how she was, and Wang Zi said, "She has been killed!" "Crow head complained," why don't you listen to your mother? "Tell him to go to the suburbs and bury my mother at once. Wang Zi promised verbally, but secretly skinned the old fox and collected it. I checked the boxes and boxes in Mrs. Wu's house again and put all the gold, silver and jewels in them away. Wang Zi accompanied her mother back to her hometown in Dongchang.
Wang Wen and Crowhead meet again, with mixed feelings of sadness and joy. Wang Wen asked Mrs. Wu again, and Wang Zi said, "It's in my bag!" Wang Wen was surprised, so Wang Zi took out two fox skins to show his father. When the crow saw it, he was so angry that he cursed: "This disobedient and unfilial child! How can you do this! " I cried and slapped myself and wanted to die. Wang Wen tried every means to persuade Wang Zi to bury the fox skin. Wang Zi said angrily: "As soon as I settled down today, I forgot the bitter days of being beaten and scolded!" The crow's head became more angry and cried. Wang Zi went to bury the fox skin, and when he came back, he reported it face to face, and the crow's head calmed down.
Since the arrival of crow's head, the Wangs have become more prosperous. Wang Wen thanked Zhao Donglou and gave him a large sum of money. Zhao realized that both the mother and daughter in the brothel were fox spirits. Wang Zi is also very filial to his parents, but occasionally he growls when he is offended. The crow's head said to Wang Wen, "This child has one track mind. If he doesn't pull it out, he will eventually kill violently and lose everything. " Therefore, when Wang Zi was asleep at night, he tied his hands and feet. Wang Zi woke up and said, "I'm not guilty!" The crow's head said, "Mom will cure you of a stubborn disease. Don't be afraid of pain! " "Wang Zi shouted, but the rope was tied and he couldn't earn it. The crow pricked the ankle bone with a big needle for three or four minutes, picked out the tendon and cut it with a knife. Cut off the tendons on his elbow and head as usual, then let him go, pat him gently and let him sleep peacefully. The next morning, Wang Zi ran to meet his parents and cried, "Think about what I did last night, it's almost like a person!"! "My parents are very happy. From then on, Wang Zi was as gentle as a girl, and everyone in the village praised him.
Yi Shi said, "Prostitutes are foxes. I didn't expect the fox to be a prostitute again; " As for foxes and pimps, they are really animals. What's so strange about such people? As for the crow's head, after all kinds of hardships, there is no other idea until death. This is something that humans can hardly do, but they got it from foxes. Emperor Taizong said Wei Zhi was more charming, and I said the same thing about crow's head. "