Zhangzi Village, Ji Bo is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Hongtuya Town, Hunjiang District, baishan city City, Jilin Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220. The zoning code is 220602 1022 13, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 220602. The postal code is 134300, the long-distance telephone area code is 0439 and the license plate number is Ji F. Ji Bo Zhangzi Village is adjacent to Zhubaogou Village, Baomaqiao Village, Dajinggou Village, Lujiagou Village, Liudaokou Village, Wudaokou Village, Sidaokou Village, Sandaokou Village, Hedong Village, Hongxincun Village, Hongyi Village, Daqinggou Village and Hongda Community.
There are tourist attractions such as Jilin Baishan Jewelry River National Wetland Park, Longshan Lake Scenic Area, Changbai Mountain Labyrinth Scenic Area, Qingshan Lake Scenic Area and Changbai Mountain Manchu Culture Museum near Zhangzi Village in Ji Bo. There are crispy ginseng balls, pine nuts, evening primrose and turquoise tea plates.