Mining tribe: mining coach Kruger Hellfire Peninsula-Salma coordinates (55 37)
Alliance: mining trainer Henak Grimde Hellfire Peninsula-Fort Glory coordinates (56 63)
Jewelry Tribe: the coordinate of Hellfire Peninsula-Salma (56 37) of the jewelry master Carlin.
Alliance: Jewelry Master Tower Tiana Hellfire Peninsula-Glory Castle Coordinates (54 63)
Fishing Tribe: Top Fishing Textbook-The Art of Hooking
Alliance: Top Fishing Textbook-The Art of Hooking
Cooking Tribe: Textbook of Cooking Master Chef Baxter Hellfire Peninsula-Salma Coordinates (56 37)
Alliance: Cooker Textbook Chef Keston Hellfire Peninsula-Fort Glory Coordinates (54 63)
First Aid Tribe: Doctor Aresela Hellfire Peninsula-Falcon Sentinel Coordinates (26 62)
Alliance: Physician Burcu Hellfire Peninsula-Tower Hamat Temple Coordinates (22 39)
Fishing, cooking and first aid are all learned from those people!
Jewelry Master Kalinda Silver Moon City Coordinates (90 74)
Master jeweler Farriesolda coordinates (44 23)