Cat's eye olivine is the best, and its value mainly depends on the thickness of cat's eye. The thinner the cat's eye, the better the quality. If the cat's eye with lines is the top expensive olivine, it can be said that it is the best of expensive olivine, and the output is very rare.
Black pyroxene is a kind of igneous rock. Many people think that augite is not a crystal, but the composition of augite is mainly silicon dioxide. Black diabase is usually black, but brown, gray and a little red, blue and even green can also be seen.
Rainbow diabase is one of the most famous diabase. Rainbow obsidian, also known as rainbow flashing obsidian, is commonly known as monocular obsidian or binocular obsidian, because some items are oval-shaped rainbow obsidian, and from the price point of view, rainbow monocular obsidian and rainbow binocular obsidian are the most expensive.
Because in addition to the relatively scarce output, the appearance is also quite beautiful. Today, most black jade jewelry is produced in Central America and North America. It is the national stone of the United Mexican States.